
You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Matthew 12:34

“Watch out!! Rattlesnakes are EVERYWHERE!” It’s a common saying when we hit the mountains. The truth is, rattlesnakes can’t be EVERYWHERE… or there would be nothing else but! But knowing that they COULD be ANYwhere is the only real way to WALK everywhere. It is always wise to walk cautiously and with discerning wisdom.

I appreciate a good rattlesnake. I’ve the mind that as a potential killer, he has a rather kind streak running along that tubular body. That it rattles at all provides warning that I am getting too close. Most of the time, the rattlesnake sees ME before I see him. His rattle alerts me to stop and back off… like it doesn’t WANT to bite me.

For some people, the sound of a rattler draws them in. Instead of moving away, some folks will move in for a closer look! Others even wear special clothes and carry tools in order to CATCH them. To them, facing danger and confronting it to capture or control it provides a thrill! Having been bitten by dangerous things before. I prefer to back off.

It isn’t hard to see that evil, like a rattlesnake, is a very dangerous thing to play with. Jesus goes on to say that good people store up good things INSIDE them, and spread that good around. Evil people spread evil… mostly through their words. I have found what comes out of my mouth, is usually what is in my heart! I want a good heart!

Jesus supply’s a rattle of His own at the end of today’s verse by declaring that when this life is over, I will be judged based upon what comes out of my heart and mouth. His is a kind warning of possible danger, if I do not answer His call to join Him in speaking His words to the world. Are YOU rattling for Jesus? Or are you too ‘worldly’ curious?

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