
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 1 Corinthians 1:3-4

It was right after Bible Study when Vicki came up to me. I could tell she was flustered as she blurted out, “I need a hug!” So I gave her a big one and could feel the tension dissolve. After she let go, she explained what had led to her terrible day. I listened. She then asked some questions. I answered. She smiled.

Ministry is sometimes just that simple. When I am blessed to be part of helping someone who is dealing with worry, stress or anxiety, the blessing received in return is simply indescribable. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to be on the receiving end of a Jesus kind of hug. And it made a HUGE difference.

There is a story in Luke 5 where Jesus walked up to a leper who was on his knees BEGGING for a healing. In all 3 accounts it says Jesus ‘touched him with His hand.’ But there seems to be more to it than that! The Greek infers there was a full body embrace! Something NO one would do to a leper! Except Jesus!

Stress, anxiousness, worry, fear and doubt are the leprous lesions that continue to cover all of society these days. With what is going on in the political arena, I was going out of my mind. Then I went to see tough guy Mike. We don’t see eye to eye on every Biblical thing. But as we talked, His words became a hug!

The world is a mess. And NONE of us are immune, even Jesus’ people. But today’s verse reminds us that WE are to be Jesus’ COMFORTERS. I read that a 6 second hug releases serotonin and oxytocin into the body of BOTH parties, giving a sense of safety, comfort, empathy and calm. Something we could ALL use.

I think I’m going to work on becoming a little more like my earthy and heavenly fathers… and hug more! How about YOU?


He said to them, ‘Take to your heart all the words with which I am warning you today, which you shall command your sons to observe carefully, even all the words of this law.'” Deuteronomy 32:46

Divinely Overwhelmed! That is the only thing I can feel about last night when, at our little church, 36 men, women and children came on a rainy night to learn and discuss God’s Word! The time was excellent, the Spirit was overflowing, Love was present and fellowship was genuine. Giddy God sat right there among us… and He spoke His Word.

The group of adults varied from old time Christians to folks just getting exposed to God’s Word. Having received the job of Pastor after my father died 24 years ago, our Bible Study regularly held about 5 people… Including my wife and I. Today, most everyone brings their NIV Scofield Bible. For new learners, I give the page numbers.

The Bible Study is called FLAP. One of our old saints suggested the acronym for Fellowship, Learning, Asking and Praying… it stuck. And that is exactly what we do. Prayer requests are taken and petitions are made, then questions about ANYTHING Bible related are heard. But we ALWAYS use The Bible to find our answers.

These days I have to agree with many of our national Church Leaders and Pastors, that the desire to learn and live the Word of God, is waning. Most people today don’t even BELIEVE in God.. much less that the Bible is the pure, inspired Word from Him… to us. BIBLE could mean Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! That’s how WE see it!

I am SO proud and honored to serve this special Body of people who want to know what God has to say about… well… pretty much everything! In the face of pain, sorrow, hurt and anguish, we have ALL had doubts about God, and His Word, coming through for us. But we all agree that, even when we doubted… Jesus Christ has NEVER failed!

So if you’re close, join us at FLAP on Wednesday evening. If not, grab your Bible and find a group that loves to cut into God’s Word to find life’s true answers.. from the Creator Himself. I promise… reading His Word Daily, and asking Him to help you live it, will bring you ‘The Abundant Life’ Jesus Himself promised! Do you make God Giddy by Reading His Word?


Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus.” Hebrews 3:1

I felt good, because I was on a possible mission from God. A fellow teacher with Katie had called for help. She was right down the street and needed a jump for her car to start. Being an atheist she really isn’t a fan, but asked for me anyway. I was there in 8 minutes. Pulling in, I saw a man beside a car with a HUGE “Harris” window sticker!

On one hand, it was awesome to be given the opportunity to show the Love of Christ to someone who doesn’t know Him. On the other hand, I was flustered that right across from us was someone who, I perceived, wanted to take away my hard earned liberties! I had to work hard to make sure my face outwardly showed the Jesus side! But Inside!??

I feel like Moses before Pharaoh… or Job before his self righteous ‘friends.’ Both illustrations have men of God in VERY difficult situations. GOD knew what was going to happen, but His 2 servants didn’t. They were forced to follow through each and every tick of the clock, for a very long time, UNTIL their conditions were changed by God.

God told Moses what to do, and even warned him that Pharaoh was going to not yield. But I don’t see that as evidence Moses was comforted. Job was in exceeding agony with no way of knowing if, or when, His painful condition would end. In looking at the political war we’re in, I see danger. I DON’T know what God is going to do. Or WHEN!

In a country where it seems we are divided in half, the upcoming election will be decided by the number of people who decide to do nothing! I wrestle with the question, “what CAN ‘I’ do?” Because getting flustered does not help! When I came across this Bible verse, I heard God speaking directly to me. He wants me to share it.

This is the hardest lesson I have ‘never ‘really learned… 100%. I am a ‘Child of God’ living among Children of God. We all share in His Heavenly Calling. In the midst of horrible evil and chaos, what am I to do? He tells me. “Fix your thoughts on ME!” He wants me to share that message with YOU! So… what’s on YOUR mind these days?


I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!” Revelation 3:15

Walking across the grocery store parking lot, the heat just baked us. As quickly as possible I threw our purchases into the back of the car, shut the door, and headed to the drivers side. Suddenly I heard, “IT’S HOT OUT HERE!” Glancing back I saw a man standing in the middle of the lot, cigar hanging out of his mouth, shirt open… talking!

With sun and sweat in my eyes, it took a second to realize he was talking to ME. I responded with “Yea, that’s Florida in the summer for ya!” He just stood there on the black pavement… then asked, “when’s it gonna get cooler?” With no desire to stand in that heat, I simply said, “well sir, about mid October we should get a break! See ya!”

At the time, I didn’t sense any heavenly nudge or immediate need to join the man in conversation. The best thing for both of us was to get out of the sun. Maybe he just wanted to finish his smoke first. But being the kind of guy who prefers A/C, I felt compelled to DO something about SWEATING. I started the car and AC… and left.

The Book of Revelation discusses the Apocalypse at the end of time. But before it gets all nasty, Jesus has John write love notes to the 7 existing churches. The last one, Laodicea, actually represents the time we are living in right now. Jesus doesn’t have anything good to pat us on the head for, and says he’d rather spew us out of His mouth!

There is no doubt things are getting hot out there. But I’ve the mind that if it’s getting worse, I really don’t have a desire to just stand around in it. I’d rather do something about making it better, or getting out of it. Jesus wants me to read His Word and to GO out and share the VERY COOL News of His grace and Love. Don’t just stand around smokin!

Are you a cool kind of person out there sharing Good News with those who are burning up? If so.. you’re Jesus’ kinda cool! Keep going!


To all in Rome (Nokomis) who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.Romans 1:7

Fishing through my pockets to get everything out, I found a quarter, all alone, in my left front pocket. Not knowing what to do with it, I threw it in my truck beverage holder and forgot all about it. “What’s a quarter going to buy THESE days anyway?” I thought. Then I went on with my day… then several more. Not giving that $.25 another thought.

Several days later I found myself at Aldi with a long list of groceries that a single bag or box could not carry. Glancing down into my cup holder lay that silly quarter. It was almost like the Hand of God, fate and Grace merged together with a pre-designed plan. Smiling, I picked it up and put it BACK in my pocket. Then I used it to get a shopping cart.

I distinctly remember, as a kid of 8 years old, my dad handing me a quarter and asking me to walk up to the store on the main street in town and buy 5 candy bars. Since there were 5 of us in the family, he was providing a treat. I always got a Milky Way… and yes, they were the same size then as they are now. Maybe bigger! Off I went.

These days I’ve seen those same candy bars priced at $1.25 or MORE! These days, no one sends their 8 year old walking alone, downtown, to ANYWHERE… much less to a store. Times have changed, but some things haven’t. Today’s verse tells me that just like back then, I am loved by God, no matter WHERE I live, and I am called to be His.

An added bonus, which is ESPECIALLY rewarding in these days, is His free gift of Grace and Peace. I have NO need for carrying around ANY guilt from my past. It has been taken out of my life, and God’s mind, and cast away. Furthermore, PEACE has been added to my heart! I have NO need to worry about A THING! God’s got me in His Pocket!

Have YOU found the greatest gift in the universe? Are YOU walking around in God clothes? Are you feasting on the treats from His mighty storehouse of promised benefits? Are you sharing with others the opportunity that THEY TOO have been called to be God’s Kid? If you’re his.. Why not brag a little today? It’s Friday.. You deserve it!


“…and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:39

Early this morning, darkness was pierced by a flash of light. Within 3 seconds… the BOOM came and rain started to fall. After a few more ‘flash and bangs,’ I got up to slightly open the window. I LOVE sleeping while listening to a good rainstorm. This one did not disappoint. Later, Katie asked, “will your truck get me to work?” “Huh?” I asked.

I hadn’t gone out to LOOK at the road, but she had, and the water in the street was HIGH. Putting on my raincoat, I went out to recon the situation. I wasn’t sure if I should drive in that deep of water, so I did the only thing I knew to do because… ‘I Noah Guy!’ so I texted Frankie, my vehicle expert! He advised going slow, but that I would make it.

Light travels at 186,291 miles per second! Using that fact, it’s calculated that it takes about 5 seconds for the sound of thunder to be heard for every mile from a lightning flash. It sounded like a couple of those ‘flash bangs’ were in my backyard! I just smiled. Once, counseling a lady afraid of lighting, I said, “lightning is the place of God!”

I trusted my friend and car expert, and was able to take Katie to work and get home again. Eternal Life is like a good Government job… not about what you DO, but WHO you KNOW. I know JESUS! As news flashes and the chaos of the world becomes worse and worse, today’s verse always makes me smile. When He comes, it’ll be to get me!

Are YOU afraid in storms? If you know Jesus as your Savior, you can just roll over and smile… cuz Jesus has me… and YOU! If you let Him. By the looks and sound of things in our world, I’m figuring that He’s coming soon! But I’m ready! Are YOU?


If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

It was a brutal 2 hours! Four saved, mature, believing men… one young, confused, unsaved man. For 2 hours we shared The Good News… The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And for every common sense fact about God, sin, its penalties and Grace, he came up with another nonsensical reason for NOT believing ‘The News.’ He had his own ‘facts!’

It was like a man standing in the brutal heat and humidity of a day like yesterday… sweat pouring off his entire body. Other men, in a swimming pool beside him, were holding a cold drink saying, “Come on in, you’ll be fine!” But even though the evidence was clear before the dying victim, the refusal to believe was as hot as the sun.

The young lad’s plea was clear… ‘If only we would agree that HIS way of seeing things was superior, we could have the same intelligence as he!’ Explaining that we were ALL in his same boat at one time, and jumped in and got saved from the heat, made no difference. He had made his decision and he was sticking to it. His vote was cast!

1 Corinthians 2:14 says, “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” Nothing we could say or do would budge him to receive Christ’s life giving water. So we pray and keep trying.

Today is the day to vote in our Counties Primary Election. For months information, both true and false, has gone out to potential voters. Deceptions and lies are both flagrant and prolific. People are being swayed, votes will be cast. We will reap the policies and government the majority elect. It is imperative that you VOTE and make a decision!

Our Father God has a running election that has been going on for 2000 years. The votes have yet to be counted and tabulated, but there are 2 sides. The difference being that each side can choose for itself who they want to rule their lives for eternity. Have YOU cast your vote for Jesus and Heaven? Or are you dug in and holding out for your way?


I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 1:1-3

“Knock Knock…” “Who’s there?” “No… Knock Knock!” Cuz it’s a command… not a joke! Today’s verse comes from Paul in His written letter to Timothy. In reality, the instruction comes from God in the form of a command! It sounds like God wants us to pray for EVERYBODY. Even our government leaders! And as I said, it’s not a joke!

Today is a special day for several reasons. It’s a day before we vote in the primary election. But I’ve been looking forward to this day and a meeting with a young man named Josh. 10 days ago, we were standing on our busy corner holding signs for Jesus when this young man came up to debate about the existence of Jesus. It was intense.

I was encouraged when he gave me his phone number and made an appointment to meet with me. Arguing with someone who just wants to prove their own point is a waste of time, but underneath, it seems that he really wants to be convinced that there IS a God. So far, he says, all he’s heard is, “ya just gotta believe!” He wants more info!

This is where The Church and all readers come in. I have the honor of having a few other men who have asked if THEY can join in the discussion! I am blown away! Not so much by a young man who wants answers, but by Christian men who actually CARE enough to want to take part in sharing the Gospel! Today is going to be FUN!

I am asking you, dear reader, to join in as well. Will you pray for Josh and our team? We meet at 2pm today and we need as much Holy Spirit as we can fit into the room… PLUS! And while you’re at it. Why not pray for the president and our elected officials… AND for a fair election tomorrow. It sounds like that is EXACTLY what Paul is saying!


 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

‘There’s a storm coming!’ I’m reasonably certain that if you live in Florida, the picture and this first sentence caused your heart to jump. But fear not. That is an old map and there is no storm warning for our area. But there WILL be a storm… coming. Weather forecast says heavy rain tomorrow. Right now, outside my window, it is calm and still.

Having recently been deluged with more water from hurricane Debby than I can ever remember, the shock and tragedy for some is still very real. I’ve lived in Florida for over 40 years and have been through MANY storms. Because of that, I have a tendency to be tougher in the face of hurricanes. I have plans and am prepared as much as I can be.

Most of God’s Word has been around for 2000-3500 years now. It is FULL of warning and predictions of what will happen, especially as we approach the ‘End of Days.’ Having read past prophecies written that came true EXACTLY as predicted makes me aware of what may be approaching. Especially in the political weather I see now… world wide.

I’ve been a Christian a lot longer than I have been a Floridian. Having gone through seasons of life resembling desert experiences, I know what its like to be scared, uncertain and deeply concerned that God just might NOT show up. But in all of my life, I have NEVER EVER seen God… NOT show up! Even if it’s like in the usual… last minute.

The Word of God tells Believers who have trusted and given their lives to Jesus Christ to allow the Holy Spirit to bring them Joy, Peace, Love and Fearlessness… and other things. I am called to go OUT into that chaotic world and TELL people about the Good News of what Jesus has done for ME. Then BRING them GOOD NEWS in face of the BAD news.

That means that I am to first receive His Word and blessing, LIVE it… then go out and TELL about the personal experience of His perfect, exacting love for ME. So daily I read His Word, pray, receive His provisions and try to remember them to tell others of my experience. Are YOU tracking with Jesus and do YOU have some good stories to tell?

Don’t let any storm catch you unprepared!