
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecc 3:1

Ahhhh! If every day were to bring a word with it, “Ahhhh” would be the word for today. After much planning and anticipation, it is good to say that we accomplished exactly what we wanted… and needed. Cramming in over 2 weeks in the UK, then another few at our mountain cabin, seeing new places… and relaxing from last year’s work… has been done!

This year marked the 50th anniversary of my father’s purchase of a closed church in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Those mountains have seen me grow, marry, have kids, and now grand-kids. We’ve made new friends… and visited old ones. Stepping out to take a break to renew perspective is Biblical! It’s included in ‘everything’ in today’s verse!

Ecclesiastes 3 is a perfect reflection on life… from God’s point of view. Since God became my life well over 60 years ago, I’ve threaded my way through nearly every one of the scenarios God had old Solomon write in that list of 8 verses. One thing that I don’t see on the list is ‘a time to go… and a time to return!’ Last night… we returned home!

Getting home after dark we couldn’t see much. This morning, as we both took time to stare out the windows, we saw plants that are taller. There seem to be more flowers than before we left. While we were gone, friends and family looked after our stuff. Now that we are home, we will carry on. That is… until it’s REALLY time to go Home.

Wherever I go, there I am. And wherever I am, Jesus is there as well. I can honestly say I carry ‘Home’ with me everywhere I go! Because for me, ‘Home’ is more heart than location. As I rode around and looked over mountains and valleys, the beauty I saw became more of a calling than a place to see. As I live, I look even MORE forward to ‘Home.’

I yearn for the days when TV and news will no longer invade my space. I look for The Day when Jesus and I will spend time together doing what He intended from the beginning… being together with His WHOLE FAMILY of loved ones. The older I get, the more I yearn for that Home.  What about YOU?   Are YOU looking forward to YOUR Heavenly Home and family?  Think about that!

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