
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Jesus John 8:12

People love to watch fireworks. Last night, as we sat inside watching fireworks displays on the TV from around the country, I could hear the booming sounds of local fireworks being shot off outside around our neighborhood. From the sounds, some of them were pretty good too! But I didn’t bother going outside. The TV Fireworks were OK by me.

As a young boy I was naturally drawn to the fizz, flash and bang of fireworks. While they were ‘illegal’ in our state, some folks had a way of turning up with some, even going out of state to get them. My parents knew they were out there, and cautioned me against ever playing with them. “You’ll get burned or put your eye out for sure!”

Those words, like the Old Testament Law, only made me want to give firecrackers a try. “Don’t” was just too much of an enticing motivator! One day, I managed to talk a friend into giving me a couple. My anticipation was high, but being no dummy, I wasn’t about to light them off around the house. I waited until I was out in the woods… alone!

When I lit the fuse, the experience was NOT what I had expected. For some reason, there was almost no delay and it exploded immediately. The warning of my parents took on a new kind of ‘real life’ experience! With burned fingers, I suddenly learned the hard way… ’leave fireworks to experts.’ Today’s Bible verse comes with a like warning.

Jesus clearly tells us that we are ALL living in Darkness. Most folks don’t really believe that. But it is true. Jesus also goes on to say that if I follow HIM, I will never walk in darkness again! Obviously there must be some kind of ‘boom’ to transfer from walking in darkness to walking in Light! And there is. When I took Jesus’ offer. Light Boomed!

The biggest difference I can easily see today, now that I see and have Him, is that I KNOW when I am in the light, or when I am leaning toward the darkness! It is no secret anymore. Knowing Jesus lights up my life and keeps darkness… where it belongs. Have you taken Jesus up on His offer of life and light? You won’t be disappointed!

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