
They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for ‘people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.’” 2 Peter 2:19

What does one DO with little kids in the summer? The idea wasn’t the first time for our Daughter and their family, because they had annual passes. So we piled into the car and drove the kids to the Zoo. The talk was, “what do we want to see first?” And, “What are you most excited about seeing?” For me, I didn’t remember the zoo being that expensive!

The kids were excited, as we passed by birds, snakes, monkeys and lions. I noticed a zoo representative, posters and a theme at each stop asking for money to help the planet, protect the environment, and stop the extinction of almost all the animals represented in the zoo. Money would make the difference! Then we entered the Giraffe exhibit.

For $5 we could purchase 2 leaves of lettuce to feed the giraffes up close and personally. 5 leaves were on sale for $10. As I looked around and saw the animals grabbing for the food, I wondered what might really be going on. Having an eternal eye, I know that Jesus created all the animals on earth, and I know on the New Earth, all will be present. But then I saw people.

This world offers LOTS of things for people to be attracted to. Hobbies and vacations are fun, but the real danger lies in the dangers and people pushing them on a day to day basis. Satan is very good at drawing people into habits and addictions that do NOT promise long and lasting life. But ensnare people into lifestyles of slavery and even death.

Looking around the zoo, I wasn’t sure if God was trying to show me something or if I was just overcome by the heat. What I saw was bars, chains and fences (slavery), high prices for low cost goods (extortion), and a dependence upon other beings for life’s basic needs (welfare). On top of it all, if I would give them money, I could help perpetuate the entire system!

Naturally this is likely a crazy description of a zoo. But when applied to people, we can see in our world the same system that the devil is laying upon the souls of people in our world today. How we see it may make the difference in how others will be treated… forever. How do YOU see it? Do YOU offer people the freedom that comes only with Jesus Christ?


I have no greater joy than to hear (& see) that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4

They don’t look like they looked the last time I looked. Don’t sound the same either! Last time we came up to see the grand-kids of our youngest kid, her youngest took a little while to warm up to us. Yesterday, her and her mom tried to jump us from behind a door. They were all smiles. Now, when I lean in and focus, I can usually make out what she’s trying to say!

It’s about a 4 hour trip to their house, so we don’t see them very much. Talking on the phone, even on ‘face-time,’ isn’t the same. Personal face to face and hand to hand is a lot better than through a cell phone anyway. Now that they just got out of school, we have the chance to see them and get to see how much they’re learning and growing. It’s a process called ‘Life!’

We came here after Church yesterday, where our Jesus Family gets to gather together every week. There, we get to see and have a hand in teaching and watching the growth of our spiritual family. There’s a good comparison between the 2. In seeing and talking to fellow believers, I can see who’s growing and how far they’ve come in their growth in Jesus.

Reading God’s Word and telling each other what He’s been doing in our lives, along with spending time together, is God’s way of growing His family here… for there! As we gather together over time, we’re not supposed to look the same as we did before. Growing up and maturing is all part of the business of God. The more we grow the more we look like Him.

How are YOU doing in the growing up process of Jesus Christ?