
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:3-5

My wife and I were at the plant store at HER request. Me? I don’t care about plants. She had an idea of decorating the side of our house with pots full of plants. I don’t care about decorating, either! But while there, she tried to explain what she was looking for. She said, “I have in mind what I want… I just haven’t found it yet.” We kept looking.

After finding the color that she wanted, I noted the pricing. Plastic pots cost as much as 75% less than Terra Cotta pots. And I DO care about spending money! Standing between 2 aisles of pots, plastic on the left, Terra Cotta on the right, she looked at me and asked, “wha-da-ya-think?” I replied… “Oh.. I don’t know… wha-da-YOU-think?”

To be fair I had already inched my way over to the plastic side, hoping it might sway her to the cheaper pot. But honestly, I really don’t care about plants and pots. Not caring (and Jesus) intended I shouldn’t have an opinion there that matters. A ‘pregnant pause’ settled between us, as she looked me in the eyes and said, “I like the Terra Cotta!”

Admittedly, my uncaring heart let out a silent Mr Scrooge “Bah-humbug!” But what came out of my mouth was, “well, OK then!” To be sure, God and fate had a hand in the words that came from my mouth. I love God and my wife. My entire life is invested in both of them… and in that order. Love, being an action, had moved my lips!

This month we will have been married for 47 years. Every year of marriage has a theme. Once it was sapphires… another time… groceries! It just so happens that when we looked for the 47th year themed gift, it turned out to be “Plants!” I thought… ‘HA HAAA! Talk about BLESSED! Why… I don’t even have to GO shopping!’ Men hate shopping!

As a Believer in Christ, I KNOW what He wants because I read His Word out of His Book… every day! He put aside HIS life for ME. Now, He wants me to value others’ lives above my own. And who better to do that with than my lovely bride! Another website said the 47th year is books. But honestly, I don’t care about books! I already have His!

Do YOU place YOURself… second?

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