
 “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. People will tell you, ‘Look, there He is!’ or ‘Look, here He is!’ Do not go out or chase after them. For just as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so will be the Son of Man in His day.” Luke 17:22-24

The day was beautiful and HOT… we had the time, so we went to the beach. Beautiful and hot are 2 words that typically do not go together. Like the beauty of a snowy mountain, when seen through a glass window of a warm house, sub-zero temperatures make enjoying reality very hard. Behind the scene of today’s photo, storm clouds were forming. Would it rain?

The question of ‘rain’ has been on the lips of most Florida residents for many weeks now. Once again, the weather made it to the top of the list of stories in most news broadcasts. It has been very hot and very dry for so long, the drop of a match could wipe out an entire neighborhood with the fire that would result. Brown, dead lawns prove… we need rain!

Toward the evening of this same beautiful day, those clouds got bigger and their color… darker. By nightfall, much needed rain came in a deluge. The sunshine, beautiful as ever, is said to only be temporary, as the entire week’s forecast calls for major rain storms that could actually cause flooding. I couldn’t tell that from the yesterday’s, or this morning’s, sunshine.

As days go by, leading up to an election cycle in November, most everyone is predicting a storm is coming! Seemingly every indicator, from economic to political, threatens a wildfire of epic proportions. Fear, worry and panic rise to make people seem even more worried than normal. What most ‘look for’ is SOMEONE who can rise up to FIX THIS! And I for one, concur!

Since I sat to write this, the beautiful sunshine that was there, has disappeared! Just like that, it is dark and threatening. But inside, lights and air conditioning keep my world humanly acceptable. But 1 big storm could wipe that out as well. The key for me is to remain calm and keep my eyes, in both my head and heart, focused on ‘a time that is coming!’ When Jesus!

What about you? Are you Jesus focused? Or storm and trouble focused? Clouds are coming… but so is Jesus! Happy day to you… no matter the weather! 

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