
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:10

I was loading a trailer with 17 very heavy cement blocks and, having just gotten started, a man approached me and asked if I would like some help! Asking him, “Do you work here?” His answer was “No.” But he reached out, grabbed a heavy block, and handed it to me. Without skipping a beat, I took it from him and asked, “Are you a Jesus Guy?” He simply said, “Yes I am!” How’d ya know?”

Ta-DAAAAA!!! How did I even THINK to THINK up that question? What powers of deduction and observation I must have, eh? Well… no! I just know the Word of God, and knowing it, this verse is one that I try to live my life by. Helping other people, especially fellow believers, is a big deal with me! It is with Jesus too! May I ask you please reread today’s Bible verse and consider YOUR lifestyle?

It took time to load the trailer, but he never missed a beat. I considered him a tough guy buy the way he had NO problem grabbing and moving those cement blocks. I struggled, but kept up by asking questions like, “so what’s your name?” A good first question for anyone starting a conversation. That led to, “So where do you go to Church?” (I assume Christians go… because Jesus does Heb 10:24-25).

We were done, but the smile never left either of our faces. I invited him to come visit us at our church sometime. He said he just might. Before I left, I asked him if he likes to fish. Answering in the affirmative, I then told him that fishing will be part of life on the New Earth when Jesus returns, then told him I’d LOVE to spend some time fishing with him then. He agreed… we have an appointment!

The conversation was quick, simple and completely laced with God’s Holy Spirit. I call those times ‘Divine Appointments’ and look out for them all the time. How about YOU? Do YOU look around and speak up with Jesus on your mind? Are you ready to engage others with God’s love, help and action?

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