
The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…” Ephesians 5:23-25

For 2 weeks before school let out, I barely had any good time with her. Katie was busy with school. On the first day out of school, she showed me what was most important to her by taking the whole day to clean the house. After that, I couldn’t find half my stuff… then received explanations as to why I should put things in a different place! And I LOVE her!

Oh… I drive her crazier than she drives me. Every time I get behind the wheel and she is passenger, her experience becomes like the fastest roller coaster on Earth, through the literal horror show of hell. She freaks and corrects… to no avail. “Don’t worry honey, I ain’t kilt ye yet!” I laugh, then yell at the next guy who cut me off. She still rides with me.

Marriage is the craziest idea on the planet. That is… next to spawning and producing children that will, one day, go off and get married… we HOPE! But when we both have free time from the work and cares of the day, we prefer to spend that time with each other. Even if she’s sitting at the beach in the sun… and I in the shade. Together.. we make US.

Marriage is what marriage is because marriage is a SYMBOL of what Jesus Christ is to US. The entire point of the existence of mankind is that we ARE… and WILL BECOME… “The Bride of Christ!” THAT is God’s plan. And THAT is what Jesus Christ Himself… WANTS! Sin, bruises, bumps, fails and all. HE wants to BE WITH ME ALL THE TIME! And I… with Him.

I have never experienced the loss of my spouse. But I know those who have. It is horrific. BUT!!!! And I say “BUT!!!” because I know my wife very very well. I know if there were ever a behind the door meeting and she was forced to choose between me or Jesus, I’d be GREATLY shocked and severely disappointed if she chose me! I know she feels the same.

My point? What do YOU want MOST in life? Do you Love God more than ANYTHING? And do you love everything MORE… because you love God. I like to say.. if you don’t like spending time with Jesus and His people HERE… you’re going to HATE Heaven! Are you happily chained to the God who loves you? 

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