
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” 1 Timothy 6:17

Years ago, when asked by one of my scouts, “What is the meaning of life?” I came up with this little ditty:

The eye is on the tater

the moon is in the sky

the tail is on the gator

and the geese are flying high

That just popped out of my mouth, and I remembered it. These many years later, as I was reflecting on the beautiful sunset last night, it popped back into my head. On the surface, it seems silly and even pointless. Except that potatoes, the moon, gators and geese didn’t just happen by accident. They, like me, share a creator. God made all things for me to enjoy. And HIM to adore!

Looking at creation, it’s a wonder to me that most don’t see the point! As complex as tides, seasons, weather and human life are, most prefer to believe it all born of chance! Looking out my window I see the beautiful flowers that my wife sweat over in planting them. All just to make our yard look ‘pretty.’ I love the flowers. But I love my wife more. And my God who made both… even more!

Romans 1 and Joshua 7 were written to show the delicate balance of life as it relates to all of us. The disbelief and actions of one, can lead to the falling away of many, when God and His intentions are not placed and heralded at the top of my ‘important’ list. As the flowers bring me joy, that joy spreads to my household. Bitterness and anger have the ability to do the very same thing.

Today’s verse shows that God made us for Himself. But that He lavished us with SO many blessings from HIS heart. Thinking ahead to the New Earth, where we will someday live, I note it will be a place without thorns, dander, mosquitoes and disappointment. It’s fun for me to try to imagine living, and marveling with God who has endless ideas to show His love, and the creative ability to pull it off.

As Friday turns into the weekend, and spring is turning into summer, it just seems appropriate to reflect, remember and bath in the lavished blessings God has given me to enjoy. That includes people, who He wants me to share His-story with. Are YOU spreading the Joy of Jesus with those around you? Do you appear to others as a rose or a reptile? Only YOU and I can decide.

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