“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13 (GNTD)
“Yea Yea… I know… Philippians 4:13.” I carried that Bible verse on a band around my wrist for years. But now.. being stuck in traffic.. AGAIN… I did not find the words very comforting. “I” had planned on being at my destination to have FUN an hour before I had gotten stuck in traffic. MY wants and MY needs were screaming loudly over the verse. I was not happy!
I could expect a traffic jam at that particular time of day in a city like Los Angeles or New York. But I was in rural Florida… AND on a 4 lane road! WHAT THE HECK! As my mind drifted to a proper punishment for the Highway engineer who thought up the idea to change all the exits on I-75, I was NOT thinking about that verse.. or honestly… even God. I was very upset! UGH!
I don’t know WHERE I got the idea that being a Jesus guy should mean that the spiritual gifts of love, joy, peace and patience should be on “auto-load” when I need them. Why don’t they just take over BEFORE a problem hits? Then I’d never have to ‘lose it!’ But alas… the comforting promise eluded me in my time of need, as my emotions avoided God’s terms.
Reciting Philippians 4:13 all by itself doesn’t really help unless I grab the promise through the backdoor of Philippians 4:12! At least that is what I’m getting. I DO know what it is to be in need and to have plenty. But it is OBVIOUS to me that I have NOT LEARNED the ‘secret of being content!’ At almost 69, it seems late to go back to school… but obviously… necessary.
I have discovered that ‘learning’ and ‘discipline’ seem harder, now that I’m older. I make assumptions often, and think I know more than I do. I find that I presume that, since Jesus and I are good buddies, I’m SURE He’ll take care of me in this and EVERY situation!” Then I find myself in a desert AGAIN… with no trace of His footsteps! That’s ‘learning 101!’
Walking with Christ means moving WITH Him. Far too often I don’t. Instead of watching HIS steps, I just assume he’s got MY back. Having found myself ‘stuck’ FAR too often, maybe it’s time I focus on verse 12 instead… and do some learning. How about YOU? Are YOU stuck and expecting something more than a jam? Are YOU trying to drag Jesus along behind YOU?
Take notes! Cuz maybe He’s trying to teach you (as well as me) something!