“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.” Revelation 3:18
‘We’re going fishin’, I told Katie. Grandson Cash was with us for the weekend, and after finding out what HE wanted to do, MY goal IMMEDIATELY became ‘Catch Fish!’ But to do that, a lot of other things had to happen. Not having fished in a long time, I had to search and find all my fishing gear. That done, we then had to stop off at the bait store to buy gear and bait.
Riding in the truck, Cash began asking me questions about fishing. “Where’s a good place to go? Is this a good time to go. What kind of bait do certain fish like?” His questions had answers, but none that I had. Not having really fished in years, my experience and expertise were no longer valid. So I answered as best I could. “I don’t really know Cash. Let’s see.”
When we got to the water, old memories began coming to mind. Trying to tie hooks on lines, then having them snag and tangle, reminded me WHY I hadn’t fished in a long time. When fish started biting, they weren’t the big dreamy kind on the end of the hook. But mostly unwanted catfish! We saw many BIG Snook in the water. But they didn’t really want our crummy bait!
Starting to get discouraged, I looked at Cash and asked, “Are we having fun yet?” His smile was all I needed to remind me of my original goal… which was to go fishing and catch fish with my grandson. My old gear, plus $17 at the bait store, was all it took to see joy on my grandson’s face! Not a bad trade! We caught over 25 fish! SUCCESS? Kinda.
Reflecting back to today’s verse, I can see that Jesus wants to take me fishin’! He wants me to come to Him and do what is necessary to acquire from Him, not just ANY kind of life, but a vastly rich and rewarding one. He wants me to exchange ALL MY meager hopes, for a REAL life in HIM! Cuz Jesus doesn’t just want me fishin!’ He wants me CATCHIN’! Am I? Are you?