
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Acts 18:9-10

I held 3 items in a box on the way to the checkout line. The last man had a cart FULL. Seeing my few items he said, “go ahead of me!” Blessed by his kindness, I blurted out, “Oh, God Bless you!” His response was, “Oh… I wouldn’t go THAT far!” And I IMMEDIATELY detected a divine appointment! “Oh… I go that far all the time!” I said. And then started sharing Jesus!

I’ve been doing it that way for decades. That doesn’t mean it always came naturally and without fear. In fact, I’d been pressed by Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, for a LONG time before I actually started DOING it. When I did, it took time and perceived failures before I learned to rely on HIM instead of my own speaking skills. I’m His witness cuz He SAID to be!

The power of words is powerful. But I’ve learned that the power of His NAME is even more-so! Anyone can mention ‘Buddha’ or ‘spirituality’ and never offend a soul. But just say the name ‘Jesus,’ and watch people cringe. But that’s true because Jesus IS Power! I have learned that opening up my mouth for Jesus is the greatest honor and adventure on the planet.

Acts 18 gives today’s verse as kind of a comfort to Paul. I don’t know if Paul was having second thoughts or was worried, but for whatever reason, Jesus personally came to him with the nudge to flap his gums! Then Jesus gave him the task, ability and the power to do so. I find it interesting Jesus said the last line. Because He didn’t really HAVE them until Paul spoke!

If you are a saved Believer in Jesus Christ, this Bible verse is meant for you too! We didn’t come to salvation until someone SPOKE the Good News to us. And your family, friends or associates won’t either. Leaving the job of witnessing to someone you care about, to someone else, is just cruel and dangerous. Paying attention and saying ‘Jesus’ will get you in.

I can attest to the truth of this verse, at least so far, in that I have never, EVER been threatened, hit or abused by ANYONE I’ve shared the Gospel with. True, they may have never wanted to have anything to do with me after that! But hey! If they don’t want my Jesus, why would I want to hang with them? So… are YOU boldly learning and proclaiming the Gospel?

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