“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11
The wait time for the service procedure was going to be about 2 hours. Having anticipated it, I took an intense, historical book to read. Walking into the waiting room, 1 side had a loud TV, so I chose the other. Settling in, it didn’t take long before distractions began. A couple of girls began loudly conversing, and the gal beside me started laughing at a very long internet show.
Of all the Spiritual Fruits listed in Galatians 5, the most difficult one for me is patience. MY plan was to sit in the quiet and do some studying. A plan which was immediately scuttled when other folks in the room executed THEIR plans for the afternoon. I then tried to ignore them and go on in spite of the noise. Which didn’t really work. So I became offended!
“Wherever I go, there I am,” is a true statement. But then again, so is Jesus’ promise “I am with you always, even to the end of the world (Mt. 28:20).” I had a quiet thought to ask the gal beside me what she was listening to, but didn’t want to interrupt like I was being interrupted! So I didn’t! This morning, reliving those 2 hours in my mind, I sense Jesus saying… I SHOULD have!
Everything with Jesus is a learning opportunity. I am learning that the more I pay attention, the more ‘opportunities’ present themselves. Looking back, I can see that I ‘could have’ at least asked ‘laughing girl’ what she was listening to. At best, I may have found a resource to make ME laugh. OR, I may have had the opportunity to share Good News WITH her… WITH Jesus!
The greatest news I ever learned, besides how to be saved, is the fact that Jesus is never offended! As the old saying goes, “there is nothing I can do to make Him love me more… or less!” He already paid for all my sins, and now, every offense against Him can be turned into an opportunity FOR Him, if I just dedicate my time and plans to look.
So now, after paying attention, I have a spiritual backup plan for when my soul becomes offended! But will I remember that next time? Because there WILL be a next time! And it’s up to me. But how about you? What is Jesus trying to teach YOU in your areas of weakness? Are you working on listening and putting those lessons into practice?