
I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:27 BSB

It was 1 shreek too many and I’d hit my limit. The middle school guys were playing dodge-ball and a young 9 year old had joined in. Standing aside and watching the action, I was talking to my tough-guy, Sheriff friend when a horrid screech cut into my manhood. Whistling, I got attention and called everyone together… because THIS behavior had to stop… RIGHT NOW!

With everyone surrounding me, I made the 9 year old the focus of attention. “SON,” I said… “How old are you and are you a boy or a girl?” Glad he got those 2 questions right, I then asked him another logical question. “IF you are 9 years old and a man-child, WHY do you scream like a girl?” His dazed look confirmed I’d gotten my point across. I moved to step 2.

I asked all the men and boys on the playground to lay their hands on this young lad because we were going to PRAY for this young boy to receive full rights of manhood ‘as of today!’ The leader of the program, and father of another young boy added, “let me get MY kid in on this. And he joined in. Together we all prayed for the 2 young boys to realize that they were MEN!

It was a simple act really. But one that had Biblical precedent. The act of anointing has gone on since Adam was christened “Man-in-Charge” by God Himself. It was an exclamation point on the dawn of His-story, that set things in a God ordained order. The playground anointing was no less real or authoritative. Standing aside, the quiet mood of the young man stood out.

Today’s verse has a sneaky, but very sharp point to be made. Reading it proves it is VERY possible to be saved, in Christ and on my way to a heavenly home, and yet STILL be DISQUALIFIED! I CAN be IN… and yet OUT at the same time! Just like it is very possible for boys to play and sound like girls, men to behave like children, and Christians to act ungodly!

One thing I learned the hard way, is that Christianity is NOT an accident. It is an intentional, full on, never let up choice to walk and FOLLOW the Savior… or sidestep and slide into the world. Christianity is not difficult… it is IMPOSSIBLE! That is without the anointing and intentional decision to walk, fight and follow Christ like men and women were intended.

Are YOU walking like Jesus expects? 

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