“For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.” Psalm 36:9
Opening the garage door, light overtook the darkness. There are no windows in there, so as the door arose, what was in darkness became revealed. And what it revealed was out of place! Water lay on a floor that was SUPPOSED to be dry. Waking to the back, I followed the dampness around another dark corner where I could not see. So I returned to my truck to get my glasses and a flashlight.
Wearing glasses didn’t used to be necessary. Age brought that little gift. And I’ve NEVER been able to see in the dark without some kind of light. To try to figure out what was wrong, I needed both glasses and a flashlight. Unfortunately for me, neither of those, alone or together, helped me to see what was causing the problem. I needed more information. So I went looking for additional clues.
It didn’t take long to see that water had backed up and overflowed into the garage from another source. But I didn’t need a flashlight or glasses to see the cause, because the cause was big enough all by itself! Water had backed up into the house and overflowed from every possible location. But it took glasses and light, along with intentional desire, to find and see just what was really going on.
At first glance, today’s Bible verse is one that can be easily read, but just as easily missed. It begs a question, is God a fountain… or is He light? The answer is YES… and BOTH! Life is the opposite of death, and a fountain spewing life is critical for those living in death! Those living in darkness have a need for light. This verse shows me that He is both. But it also reveals something easily missed.
For me to SEE the light, I must first have HIS Light. It is only in His light that any of us can actually see Him. While my natural 5 senses can see the evidence of God, they are useless in actually seeing and knowing Him. It takes HIS light in order to see that, He IS light, and that I am dead and in need of His ‘fountain of life’ in order to live… in Him. Which is all too confusing to lost people!
Reading God’s Word takes His Light, along with eyes that WANT to see… to actually SEE. When I read it, I ask Him to show me how to break it down, asking questions of The Spirit to understand what He wants me to see. Which sounds like a mystery. Until it isn’t. For anyone who WANTS to see and know Him, it only takes a little effort in His direction to do so. Do YOU see?