“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18
“Hey! Hey! I’ve got a Duck for you!” We were at our biweekly sign ministry where, a week earlier, I had seen a BMW drive up to the stop light, having about 50 little rubber ducks on the windshield. Asking the driver, “Where’d you get all the ducks, I thought they were for Jeeps?” she handed me one and said, “My other car IS a Jeep!” I was overjoyed to have a duck to give, and began to look.
Jeep Ducking is a thing! Research said that placing a little rubber duck on a Jeep is an act of kindness. It’s like a passing of joy, recognition or greeting to a Jeep owner. It can be a sign that you like their Jeep or that you too are a Jeep owner… though you don’t have to own one to Duck one. Holding my duck, I turned and saw a Jeep with about 10 ducks, coming my way. I waved, holding up the duck!
Efforts to get attention from the driver proved difficult, as the lady in the Jeep didn’t look my way. Having the duck in my right hand, and a sign that read, “’God wants YOU’ 1 Tim. 2:3,” in my left, I ran all the way up to her side window! When she finally turned, she glared at me. Smiling, I made a motion to wind her window down and held up the duck. Her mean, angry stare and nod glared ‘no!’
Now mind you, most people getting ducked don’t see their duck-r-ators. They usually come back to their Jeep to find a duck placed there anonymously. They’ll take that duck and place it on their dash. But that lady saw me WITH the duck AND God sign. I’ve been the recipient of that glare many times in my life. It was the glare of, ‘ I hate what you represent.’ Who I represented to her… was Jesus!
Today’s verse makes it plain. I have experienced the greatest gift a human can receive… the gift of Eternal life, and all that comes with it! Knowing Jesus, I simply can’t imagine ANYONE NOT wanting or loving Him. But most don’t. To them, Jesus is offensive. Why? Because, to get Him, one must give up the rights to themselves. A cost too high to pay. Offering Jesus to someone ‘self-ish,’ isn’t friendly.
So what to do? Well I still have my Savior, AND that silly little a duck. And with those 2 things I am going to continue my search for a Jeep, and pray that Jesus schedules a divine appointment for me to share MORE than just a duck with someone. How about YOU? Are you passing on Good News story? Don’t be discouraged. Even if they don’t want to hear it, Jesus will love watching you as you do!