“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.” Exodus 19:5
“Pinkie Swear!??” she asked. “I do!” was my reply. I don’t know where we originally heard about the idea of interlocking pinkie fingers as a sign of a true, no exception or deception, promise. Once committed though, for Katie and I, it became more solemn than a ‘swear on your mother’s grave’ contract. There was never an INTENTION of messing with, or trying to get out of, a pinkie swear.
The Pinkie swear was an agreement that, though it sounded silly or child like, was a call to honor. It was just that simple! We even passed the concept on to our kids, though we rarely required it, knowing kids can be kids. If there was an area where immaturity might get in the way of keeping the solemn oath, I wouldn’t ask for it. Simply put, failure was never an option in a pinkie swear.
As a young teen, my father learned and taught me the concepts of God’s Covenants. Sometimes His promise was given in return for obedience from the one the Covenant was made. “But SOMETIMES,” my dad said, “God made promises that do not require ANYTHING from the receiver… an agreement between unequals.’ Meaning EVERYTHING in the promise, was 100% ALL on GOD!
The Covenant found in today’s verse, was given with conditions… kinda! IF Israel FULLY OBEYED and KEPT their end of the bargain, THEN they would become God’s treasured possession. Unfortunately for the Israelites, they really didn’t quite understand the full depth of ‘The Law’ that they agreed to. Later in the ‘New Covenant,’ we find that ‘The Law’ was IMPOSSIBLE to keep! Hence Jesus Death!
I have found that people are often willing to agree to conditions without fully realizing the implications of what they are agreeing to! The greater the reward for themselves, the greater the chance of them skipping the reading of, and agreeing to, the ‘Fine Print!’ It happens! Thankfully God is not without Love, Mercy and Grace. He gets us. Then gave His Son’s death as the ultimate contract addendum!
These days, I like to say that “Heaven is like a good government job. It’s not what you DO… it’s who you KNOW!” God really only has 1 condition for MY salvation. That is to KNOW and Love His Son!” Do THAT… and He STILL promises I WILL become His Greatest Treasured possession. Do I? ‘I do!’ Pinkie Swear! But… Do YOU?