‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ Matthew 22:8-9
“WhadayaMEAN I can’t come in?” was the question I asked of the doorman. “I’m sorry sir, but your name is not on the list… and you are not wearing proper attire!” I was disappointed and a little hurt. But peering into the large room, I had to admit, I didn’t match the occupants of that room. I hadn’t bothered to RSVP when I got the invite, because I didn’t take it seriously.
It looked like it was a fun soiree… from the outside. In fact, I hadn’t really figured my workmate to be that fancy of a guy, as I’d never really seen him all that serious before. His jokes and stories made me feel comfortable, like family. I didn’t really bother with the RSVP, and the Black tie thing… I thought that was a joke! But hey, we weren’t all that close anyway.
It wasn’t until I was rejected that I seriously thought about how enjoyable the evening MIGHT have been, had I taken the time to prepare. I COULD have asked more questions to clarify, but I’d never really seen David as a ‘stick to the rules’ kind of guy. I also had to admit that I didn’t really know him THAT well. Heck, I didn’t even know he could AFFORD such a party!
O.K., I’m embellishing. That event didn’t take place. But it combined 2 events that actually did. Once I took my bride to a restaurant that required coats and ties. Not knowing, I was dressed nice, but not nice enough. Luckily, the Maitre D offered me a jacket and tie, which surprisingly was acceptable to the establishment, even though it didn’t match my clothes!
The other time I was expecting to get into a private party. I knew the people well. When I showed up as the invited officiant of the wedding, I hadn’t realized that attending ‘The Reception’ was not a part of the deal! I felt silly. But all these occasions prove the point that there are places I cannot go because I have not met a particular criteria for the event.
Jesus has invited EVERYONE to His Personal Wedding party. In fact, it is not really a party as much as it is an ENGAGEMENT! He wants ME to be part of the main event! The invitation to HIS party though, requires a LOT of preplanning! I must agree to HIS terms and conditions if I want to be a part of the greatest event of all time… “The Marriage Supper of the Lamb!”
Are YOU part of the wedding AND the reception? Are you SURE? Are you prepared?