“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:12-13
“Brrrrrrr!” I said. Then added, “Baby it’s cold outside!” to my bride. I really didn’t have to tell her. She was wrapped in a blanket and saying the same thing! Curious, I looked outside the window where my thermometer hung. It laughed back at me… ‘it’s 46 degrees, ya big baby!” The same thing YOU might be thinking now! But hey! Cold is RELATIVE! Right?
When we were first married and living in Cleveland, Katie used to sneak her feet up to the back of my my legs, while under the covers, to get warm. “AAAAAGH!” was ALWAYS my response. Back then, I was warm and she was cold. Now it seems reversed. While driving in the car, she adjusts her side to ice… I adjust mine to ‘balmy!’ Today, we’re BOTH cold!
How I ‘feel’ is conditioned upon more than 1 thing. I notice that 46 in the Florida humidity is WAY worse than 46 in the dry mountains. Wetness added to cool, makes cold! Humidity added to warm, makes hot! It’s the condition of the air that can make the difference. Like wickedness, added to societal contentment, leads to evil! Yup! It’s getting colder outside!
The last Church in Revelation is the one that makes Jesus most want to throw up! The Church at Laodicea finds its parishioners neither fired up for Jesus, nor frozen against Him. Jesus finds them ‘lukewarm.’ His statement makes me think he would prefer complete evil more acceptable than apathetic care-less-ness! A title not fit for describing a Church!
As the world grows more evil, men’s hearts are growing colder. I can find myself shivering beneath a heart that can easily become frozen to the good actions. ‘Eh.. what’s the use? They’re never gonna get it anyway!” mixes with “no sense kicking that snowman, he can’t feel anyway,” leads me toward a ‘do-nothing’ kind of attitude. Shivering wakes me up!
I am reminded by The Spirit that the temperature of my heart can be deeply affected by evil that surrounds it. If I let evil set in without resistance, love can easily escape to a warmer climate. Sometimes the best way to get warm, is to become active in some action for doing good! Jesus said, “Go into the world and spread the Good News!” In other words… DO IT!
In what condition and temperature do you find YOUR heart? What can YOU do today to make your world better for Him? Cuz He’s watching!