“But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.” Matthew 13:16
DO you see? Or DON’T you see? This type of picture is called a Stereogram. It’s a plane image or pair of two-dimensional images that, when appropriately viewed using both eyes, produces an image which appears to be three-dimensional. And yes… it’s plane… not plain! Confused? Well that’s actually the point! And in today’s world, confusion is satan’s goal!
God made our eyes and mind to work together. More powerful than any supercomputer, even MY human body defies explanation! Seeing is only ONE of many miraculous systems that man cannot even begin to generate or create. When I close 1 eye, I see 1 image that is mostly 1 dimensional. 2 eyes bring lots of calculations together to form a 3d image.
Looking at that picture, I had NO idea what it was trying to show me. I had to actually UNFOCUS, or stare right past or through, the image before the hidden picture could be revealed. And it’s not unlike the world we are living in today. Jesus told us to go out into the world and SHOW OFF The Good News to the lost and confused. A tall order for the confused.
I know confusion tends to take me out… mentally that is. It is very easy to become so overburdened and troubled that I can’t see the forest for the trees. But Jesus doesn’t come into, and make my life EASIER! In fact, His presence often causes even MORE difficulty than I previously experienced. That is because I cannot look at both worlds at the same time!
The Be-attitudes clearly show that Christ can ONLY help the weak, meek, mournful, hungry and lost when I REALIZE I CANNOT see things through on my own. It takes giving MY life and MY problems to Him… and then stepping back… focusing on HIM and NOT the problem. Trust lets go and leans in! Do YOU see that? Are you stepping back and letting Jesus help you see?