“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
“Did you see it?” It was a texted question posed to me about an hour after ‘the event.’ Our Sign ministry team had been on ‘The Corner,’ a major intersection in our little town, holding Gospel signs to passers-by. Suddenly, someone pointed south and skyward! “Look at THAT!” he said! Sure enough, down south and very high, a man in a plane was writing a message!
“What’s he doing?” one asked. “I think he’s writing a message,” said another. “What’s it say?” I asked. “Another responded… I think he’s writing ‘LOVE!’” And sure enough… that’s EXACTLY what it said! I smiled at the message because we too were holding about 16 signs telling travelers about God’s love and grace. While above us, God was working overtime!
Standing on the corner with Jesus signs is very encouraging. Fellow Jesus people honk at us all the time! We’ve come to laugh at the folks who make the turn, or start at the green light by pushing the gas pedal to the floor. The sound comes out something like… “GRRRRRRR”! But they had to read first, in order to respond. READING God’s Word is step number 1.
I don’t know what it’s like to fly a plane and write a message in the sky. There’s no doubt that skywriting, which takes a plane, skill and money… is a unique ministry. The pilot is probably alone, just doing his thing. At the corner, we can at least hear honks of encouragement that he doesn’t get! But the pilot isn’t doing it for accolades. He’s doing it for Jesus! Just like us!
There was a connection in our ministries… and it wasn’t just space. We had mutual purpose and love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. I looked up a story online and I’m guessing that the man responsible for the skywriting was an old guy out of Orlando, who Jesus told to “put your talent to use!” The question we ALL have to answer is, of what use can I be… to Jesus? Why not ask Him?