“They are (I am) your servant(s) and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand.” Nehemiah 1:10
“In my own little corner,” is a song written by the famous “Rogers and Hammerstein” music duo. The Play, ‘Cinderella,’ was free on Prime, and since Katie and I hadn’t seen it since our kids were kids, sentiment had me push ‘Play.’ Katie warned me as it started, “this is going to be SOOO Corny!” “But you LOVE Corny,” I said. The play began and soon, the first song.
I remembered Cinderella, played by Lesley Ann Warren, all the way back from my days as a child. I transferred back in time to a place where corny wasn’t really a thing. Before sophisticated theatrics and computers made such moments seem almost real! As the first song, “In my own little corner,” came on, Katie and I actually sang along at the chorus.
“In my own little corner,
In my own little chair,
I can be whatever I want to be.
On the wing of my fancy
I can fly anywhere
And the world will open its arms to me. “
Cinderella had been punished and told to go to her corner. There, she chose to use that spot to make a superhero change in her life. No longer a victim, she became ‘whatever she wanted to be.’ Over 60 years have passed, and while I dare not request my grandchildren to watch it, I find myself in very difficult circumstances all the time. And try to follow her lead every day.
It’s a great story. How a sadly, abused servant gets taken advantage of, but turns out to become ‘The Princess.’ No one really considered it plagiarism… but it is! The story is written on all of our hearts, by ‘The King of the Universe.’ The devil and the world tell me I am a slave. Jesus tells me I can become ‘anything I want to be.’ Even His Bride! I choose to become ‘His Servant!’
Rambling on through a life filled with difficulties and trials, I work on deliberately singing songs of praise and honor to my King. I do so because they remind me that I AM HIS! God has a funny way of choosing His leaders by using the measuring tape called ‘servant-hood.’ To properly lead God’s people, I must first learn to FOLLOW and SERVE them… FOR HIM!
It seems like a corny plan. But this is His Play… His-Story! This morning, I know my role, and am about to put on my jeans to go out into the world to hold signs and become… ‘His Servant!’ “How may I assist you, Lord?” Are you singing and serving along with me?