“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.” Colossians 3:23
I’m conflicted! It’s been a busy week and, on one hand, I’d like to just take some time today and be lazy. When the alarm went off, I didn’t want to get up. But when saying ‘good morning’ to Jesus, my body moved… then kept on going. Looking outside, I was in reality, searching for a clue. My mind asked, “What’s the weather going to be today?” Dreary outside, I Googled it. Ick! So I planned for nothing.
I CAN plan for nothing because, while I have a vocation, I am also required by God to rest. The days of waking up to get kids going, then on to a job, are long gone… though I still have obligations and choices that come with responsibilities and dreams. Talking with people older than me, I see that life now tends to fall between the ‘wanna’ and the ‘hafta.’ Seeking clarity, I found this verse.
I also sought a definition for work – ‘the exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something.’ Pondering the verse, a conundrum crashed somewhere between the words ‘Whatever’ and ‘Work!’ Having made a living, and been measured by ALL possible means… physical, mental and spiritual, I can appreciate ‘work’ as being necessary to reach goals. But God’s verse started with… ‘Whatever!’
Long ago I was paid for how many ‘pieces’ I welded together over a shift. There was no disputing, since counting the parts for credit was nothing more than a math problem. But HOW does one count ‘IT?’ Especially when ‘IT’ follows ‘WHATEVER!’ IT seems to me that God is not so much interested in a PRODUCT, as He is in the PROCESS. And as far as I know, there’s no tool available to calculate a process! It appears GOD does though!
I’ve always said that God seems not to be as concerned about WHAT I do, as much as He is concerned with HOW I do it! Motives to matter more to Him than results. While writing this today, Katie hollered out, “What’s the weather like out there?” She too was making plans. When I looked out, the gray had turned to sunshine! 20 minutes later, it’s ‘Ick again… and looks like rain! Hmmmm!
What am I going to DO today? Well… I believe God is trying to tell me that WHATEVER it is… I’d better do it FOR HIM with ALL MY HEART! What’s YOUR heart up to?