“But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” Luke 6:35
The word was out! A new restaurant was opening in town! In a tourist town that basically survives on restaurants, that was a big deal. So plans were made. So were anticipations and expectations. A group of us decided to give it a try and were looking forward to going. I actually had the giddy going because I LOVE the theme of the place. Soon… we were there!
No.. I’m NOT going to tell the theme or the menu… because I DON’T want to be the root of bad gossip. Maybe it was just a bad day and they’ll get better. I don’t want to be responsible for closing them down before they get it right! But, as high as my expectations were, so was my depth of disappointment! As it turns out, THEY hadn’t expected that many customers!
Florida in winter is LOADED with people looking for something new… and possibly without a line. When we got there, they were out of practically EVERYTHING! And it was only 11:45! One of our party was looking forward to a homemade strawberry milkshake. The machine was DOWN! So was the soda machine! Someone expressed the death words, ‘Never again!’
I know what it means to expect and not receive. So does Jesus. Remember that Crucifixion thing? That sweating of blood is proof He wanted something different than what He got! So knowing human nature, He gave us His recipe for life on this planet. Rule 1. Expect enemies. 2. Love, lend and do good by them anyway! 3. Expect NOTHING from them in return!
The words of advice from Jesus are horrible! I mean really! They amount to allowing the opposing team to cheat and win every game! Or to throw down your arms and let the enemy win the war! But look closely. These rules do not end the battle… they merely point out our Captain… who is NOT in control… until He is! Yup! Jesus will ultimately win the war. Not me!
Trusting Him and doing what Jesus says in the ‘here and now’ comes with promises. A GREAT reward.. and the even bigger title of ‘Child of the Most High God!’ Can I trade my ‘attitude’ and ‘getting even’ for those things? Well, let’s say I’m practicing every day. Are you?