
Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” Luke 1:45

It’s a silly little thing! At least that is what I thought when I read it. Katie’s old Bible was laying there on the table, so I grabbed it for my ‘time with Jesus.’ It just so happened to open up to this verse, and I read it. Immediately I felt The Holy Spirit plop right down beside me, and nudge me with wonder. ‘Has Believed!’ ‘Has said’ My focus was drawn to the word ‘has!’  Which was VERY Weird!

I take a lot of things for granted, and once learned, I don’t really ponder or question what has become common to me. So why was He zeroing in on ‘HAS?’ So I looked it up! One dictionary said, ‘has is the third person singular of the present tense of have.’ Mary (singular person) HAS (in her possession now) believed (past tense) what the Lord HAS (present tense) said to her! I’m confused!

To further complicate things, I used ‘Bible Hub’ to look up every known version of that verse in every known version of the Bible and… those words are not there! I was reading from an NIV version, but the Bible Hub’s NIV version didn’t read like the verse that was written in Katie’s Bible! Mary possesses ‘belief’ in something the Lord has said to her about something to be accomplished!

Even reading that last paragraph makes my head spin. Until I sensed The Holy Spirit’s smile. I could almost hear Him say… “Yup! You’ve got it!” Wait.. WHAT do I HAVE? The answer came… but slowly. “FAITH!” Mary was then, currently, acting upon the Faith she HAD put in God’s PAST words, and was NOW moving in His pointed direction to accomplish something in the future! FAITH!

I was reading the story of Christmas. A story that had been foretold thousands of years before, and actually happened! Years ago I got nudged by the Holy Spirit and given the opportunity to Believe THEN what He HAD told Mary… so I too could believe and have Faith that HER God would accomplish in ME something I too… won’t see until later. I guess ‘I’ HAS BELIEVED TOO!

It may seem complicated. But it really isn’t. I know God personally and have placed my faith in Him. Every morning I wake up, I point my toes in the direction of that faith, moving forward with confident assurance that what He SAID… He will DO. Later! And that is just fine with me. I don’t need to know everything, as long as I know HIM! Do YOU ‘HAS BELIEVED’ TOO? Merry Christmas!

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