“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8
From the corner of my eye, something caught my attention. When my brain realized something was off, it subconsciously did the math and woke me up! Turning my head, I spotted two rows of Christmas decorations at Walmart… and Christmas 2023 was officially kicked off. Not looking for it, it found ME. Now, like it or not, I cannot deny… He’s Coming!
There have been random spotages of evidence pointing toward what lay around the corner. But none as brilliantly lit and monstrous enough to make the bold declaration like the Walmart display. The message was clear and made official… “IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME!” I had just put away Halloween and fall decorations, now it is clear. I need to get the Christmas Stuff!
There is NO Holiday like Christmas. Which means there is NO Holiday that takes quite as much WORK as getting prepared for Christmas. Easter has 2 boxes of decorations. The 4th of July… 1. Halloween and fall make up about 5. Christmas??? About 23 Boxes PLUS! The celebration usually starts the day after Thanksgiving (1 box). But we’re starting now!
I pondered the thought, after my initial reaction to the Christmas display caused a “humph” in me. Whatever would cause ME to form a “scrooge” attitude toward my favorite Holiday? After giving it more thought, I have to admit a spirit of sadness had briefly overshadowed my brightness, light and Joy! I thought, “68 years of Hope… FOR WHAT? Look at the world!”
Yes!!! Look at the world INDEED! It is a mess and getting messier! But for ‘People of The Book,’ that should… no MUST… cause us to light up even more brightly than before. Because He SAID it would get darkest before His Return. THIS now, gives me ALL THE MORE REASON to shine. He’s COMING! Where once HE was… now I AM… the Light of the World. So are YOU!
Being a beacon of Hope is a choice. Will you make it? We have enough Scrooges in the world!