“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” Eph. 5:25-27
‘Oooo… I’d better get that,’ I thought! Company was coming and Katie was at work. But they were all due back home about the same time, so I was ‘redding up’ the house (a Pennsylvania term). As I was picking things up and putting them away, the light hit just right and I saw a couple of spots on the floor that needed to be removed. I went to grab a rag.
When I returned to the living room and looked really hard to find the spots that had been there only a moment ago, I couldn’t see them. Stepping back and allowing the light to hit the shiny floor, I was able to see the 2 small dull spots that stood out and wipe them clean. Then the thought hit… ‘Why were you so concerned about a couple, almost invisible spots?
Men are pigs, and being a man, floor cleaning isn’t really on my radar of importance. But the ‘company’ that was coming was my daughter and her family. The person that would really care about having a clean floor… is my wife! And I know my wife! She likes things to look nice and clean. Even if it really isn’t something my daughter would care about. My Bride does!
Jesus used today’s verse as an example of what He expects from ME, and ALL married men. Jesus is a husband too. Jesus took GREAT PAINS to clean and purify His Bride… ‘The Church,’ because… HE cares too! Jesus, being God, is perfect. Therefore He MUST have a perfect Bride. So He cleaned He on the cross! He wants her to know the importance of ‘’CLEAN!
DO you find yourself concerned about the things of God, simply because you love Him? Does what He wants, and expects, motivate YOU to get down on your knees to clean those offending spots of yours for Him? If you’re not sure you can see those offending spots, just ask Him to point them out. The rewards for caring about what He cares about are out of this world!