“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
“SERIOUSLY??” Having just opened the box containing a new computer. I figured it wouldn’t take long to plug it in, turn it on, then write and send an email. I had NO idea ‘the box’ was going to get so personal! An hour into “this should only take a few moments,” I wasn’t even past the setup menu! Having other things more important to do, I executed MY super power… and turned it OFF!
My first sales job was selling computers around 1984. Back then, the only computers available for home use was the Apple II. IBM didn’t exist for homes, and Microsoft had just cut it’s umbilical cord! For 4 years I watched the computer world explode! Having sold hundreds of computers, starting, installing and running the operating system usually took about 20 minutes. Not now!
The questions that were asked of me were VERY personal. ‘Not being an idiot,’ I could tell that it was channeling me into a direction the computer and software companies WANTED me to go. The internet browser I use wasn’t even available, and it had already loaded a bunch of programs I didn’t want! When it asked me to agree to allow the collection of my personal data… OFF it went!
The ‘not being an idiot’ is a very important and critic-al statement. It’s important because God doesn’t CREATE idiots! In fact, unless there’s some kind of birth defect that severely affects my brain, God’s Word tells me that He MADE me to understand that I AM defective! Great Grampa Adam’s original stamp of sin made EVERYONE’S DNA that way. I need a Savior… and I KNOW it!
God’s Son, Jesus, came to die for MY sin, not His own… cuz He didn’t have any! Sin is personal and I am guilty of it. Now HIS perfect life, when received and believed, can make MY life perfect in God’s eyes as well. Now, God and I have that sin-forgiveness thing down… but I have ZERO intention of giving a computer company the intimate details of my life… or ‘YOUR ‘contact info’ for that matter.
Yea Yea… I get it. I’m going to have to turn it back on and take the time to get the new computer going. The one I’m using now is ancient, slow and broken in places… like me! If I could, I’d ask the computer if IT wanted eternal life. Tho ‘A.I.’ is just around the corner! But so is Jesus! Do YOU believe in Him? Are YOU saved and have eternal life? Just ASK Him! He forgets your sin right after you do.