“Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.” Haggai 1:5
“HEYYYYYY!!!!!! DUDE!!!!!!!! I’M STILL HERE!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!” I KNOW that’s what the little electronic gizmo thingy on my dashboard would be screaming… if it had a VOICE! Which it doesn’t. It just sits there in the ‘ON’ position… being annoying. ALL THE TIME! Well… at least when I start up the truck. I took it serious once and blew up the tire that was low, but it’s still on! “HEYYYY!”
I’ve been driving a long time and KNOW when I have a flat tire, so I KNEW it wasn’t flat. Kinda! I thought, ‘maybe tires are like me sometimes… a little down, depressed, deflated, overrun and under pressure.’ Blowing it up to the specific PSI, I thought it would leave me alone! It didn’t! I got frustrated, pushing every button to turn it off. It took 5 minutes to find and turn off my flashers!
All I can think is that the warning light apparently has connections! Its creator must have programmed it to acknowledge something to the master computer before the warning goes away! Finally… after looking carefully, I noticed I have a nail in 1 tire! “Hmmm!” I thought! “It makes sense now!” Then got in the truck and drove off thinking, “I’ll deal with it later! Hey.. I have skills!
I have a tire plug kit in my garage… or, my son in law could do it for me if I take it to him. The problem with the first thing is plugging takes time! The second costs time AND money. So for now, I have simply thought about it. ‘If’ I get stuck, I can call my wife or a friend to come help. I’m banking that I’ll get this thing fixed before something REALLY bad happens. I guess I’m simply a gambler!
Like my truck, I have an owners manual. And in it, five times in the Book of Haggai alone, God tells Israel to, “Give careful thought…” to “your ways” or “to the day!” The folks the warning was meant for… didn’t! Looking today at the state of Israel and the world… It appears that if ALL of us don’t start paying more careful attention to what God is trying to tell us, the world is going to get flattened!
Are YOU giving careful thought to your ways? Do you seek God every day by reading His Word and talking to Him? Do you hang out with fellow God Thinkers to learn more about what God is trying to tell you and to get help when you need it? We ALL MIGHT want to take His suggestion more seriously… at least more than I do the light on my dash!