“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.” Proverbs 4:23-25
“AHHHH!” It had happened THAT FAST! And it freaked me, right out! Driving home yesterday I was jammin’ to the radio! You know… feelin’ good! But the next song wasn’t nearly AS good. Now I have a VERY fancy radio in my truck! It has more presents than I have set! I ALSO have SIRIUS XM, a gift from my wife. Looking at the radio to change presets… a big truck darted across my front bumper!
I was in the far right lane of 3 lanes going about 45mph. A car in front of me was in the middle lane… and about 100 feet ahead. It took about 1 second to hit the radio button and look up. When I did, the tail end of another truck was JUST clearing my front right bumper! I hadn’t even seen him sitting there, when he just shot out in front of us! ONE SECOND! “Thank You Jesus!” was all I could say!
Now I’m not crediting Jesus with keeping me from a wreck… though He may have! But there is a danger in thinking, “It doesn’t really matter what I do, cuz Jesus has my back… Nuh-UH!” That is NOT the correct direction of responsibility God expects. Today’s verses prove it! The subject of EVERY ONE of those statements in the Bible… is ME! ‘I’ am to guard ‘my’ heart, mouth, eyes and thoughts!
There is no doubt that if there had been a wreck, and a police officer was called, that the OTHER truck driver would have gotten the ticket! But “I” STILL would have some shame to bear. Cuz I HADN’T been paying FULL attention to my driving. Had I been on a cell phone, evidence would prove that I was culpable! Had I been on my old motorcycle, I’d probably be dead saying “Hi” to Jesus!!
Proverbs 4 tells what it takes to ‘Get Wisdom!’ And it doesn’t come by osmosis! In fact, ALL 31 Chapters of Proverbs are the instructions on HOW to ‘Get Wisdom’… if I WANT it! But like pushing a button on a radio, versus paying attention to the road, it is ‘MY’ choice to do what ‘I’ want! I’m just glad I WASN’T on my cell phone… and that I sold my motorcycle! Do YOU have… and do YOU apply… God’s Wisdom to YOUR life?