“Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.” 2 Corinthians 5:2-4
“WOW!!” What else COULD someone say when they see that picture? Katie and I had the pleasure and honor to take a few days and head to our mountain cabin in the Pa. Mountains. As soon as we landed, we KNEW we were in a different place. Having just left Florida with a temperature of 93 degrees, we landed in Pittsburgh where it was 47 degrees! We reached for our jackets right away!
It was about 12:30am when we reached the cabin, having driven in the dark the whole 2.5 hours. From the lights of the rental car, we could only get GLIMPSES of the color of the leaves, only a hint as to what the full season would bring. The FIRST thing we did was to unlock the cabin and turn on the heater! The next day we woke up and walked outside to look at the mountain before us… “WOW!”
Such extreme changes, when they happen so fast, can take me by surprise! The mountain forest before us cried out, “HERE YA GO!” We deliberately had gone there to see EXACTLY what we had EXPECTED to see. FALL! And we weren’t the ONLY ones to do it. Asking an airport worker if it was ALWAYS this busy, he was surprised at the volume of people this week. I told him. “It’s the leaves!”
The craziest thing the whole time was talking to the locals who live there. They weren’t as infatuated with the beauty. “Yup! That’s fall for ya! Guess we’ll have to start raking soon!” The ‘WOW!’ Seemed to be missing because time had stolen it’s impact. Sitting in the yard at the base of the mountain, all I could do was thank God, and then tell Him how much I loved Him for His Life in me.
It’s been a long life, and this trip reminded me of some of the MANY blessings… I MAY have been taking for granted. WHERE I live and work can get kind of hot and crazy. I try to remind myself that one day it will all change for the BETTER… FOREVER! And that I am FALLing into His hands with every breath… changing daily into the image of His Son… My Savior! One day, I will take a trip back HOME!
Are YOU prepared for THAT DAY? Are YOUR eyes glued to The Savior in admiration, beauty and love? Do you long to serve Him no matter what or where He sends you? Because Fall is coming.. and it’s looking pretty good over there!