“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
Looking over my front yard I was very unhappy. Different kinds of weeds had made themselves a home, right before my very eyes. As those weeds grew and spread out, they killed the GOOD grass in their destructive, invasive path. I could allow them to continue, or I could put a stop to it! I chose to sit in the yard and start pulling them out by the roots… one by one. As I did, it left many bare spots.
Gazing over a yard of green, LARGE spots of brown and gray stood out. I knew I needed to do SOMETHING to get grass to grow there, or lose it all. Seeing my neighbor hadn’t cut his grass in a while, I joked with him about it. He told me he was letting it ‘go to seed’ so It would grow back! After asking a lawn guy if that would work, after he said yes. I rethought & stopped my weed work!
Instead of pulling weeds, people driving could see me bending over, with scissors… cutting stems of grass with seeds on top. I took them over to the bare spots, dispersed the seeds, raked them in and then watered them. God helped when it started to rain! It’s going to take some time!
What you have just read in a simple story is the Story of Israel… AND AMERICA… as we watch the lawn in our both countries… die! God has principles and techniques that come from inside His very own heart of love. Both countries, founded on GOD’s Principles from His Word, grew into prosperous and mighty nations… until arrogance, pride and idolatry invaded… taking our land. It’s decision time!
What am I, as a Believer in Almighty God, to DO? Today’s Bible verse gives up the recipe for health… it is MY responsibility and duty to DO IT! God’s heart is a loving chasing heart. He WILL come through and take His rightful place at MY and OUR REQUESTS. But WE must first TURN from our own ways of arrogance and sin… and SEEK HIM! HE will… if WE will! The question is… will YOU join me?