“He replied: ‘Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.'” Luke 21:8
“Hey Babe… YOU make that Destroyer look GOOD!” Last Saturday, Katie and I went to Tampa for the Navy’s Commissioning of its newest Destroyer, the Jack H Lucas. Personally, it was the most Patriotic event I ever attended. Both sons had a hand in getting the ship, and the ceremony there. My lovely wife stood for a quick-pic, and 15 minutes into the ceremony I received a text… “Israel is at War!”
It was hard trying to mentally focus on what that text meant! I didn’t know the story or how bad things were in Israel. Sitting beside my wife, able to see my son across the crowd, all the while gazing at the most powerful Naval Destroyer ever built, produced more of a ‘NO FEAR’ kind of feel to it. Knowing the Word of God was ‘icing on the cake,’ helping to make my experience a proud one.
This last weekend was full of surprises as nations, political parties, citizens and the news media ‘spun’ the story to highlight it to their own advantage. To make matters worse, we watched an updated story on the concern of ‘AI’s’ potential to “take over (the world),” from the man who invented it! Watching, I realized that practically everything I own or do… is registered with ‘THEM!’
But WAIT!!! Do NOT que the Scary Music! I’ve been here before! Starting Back in the 70’s when ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ was written! Most all my life has been filled with the ‘fear’ of living in ‘The Last Days!’ I was easily hooked! That is until ‘My Father,’ the Heavenly One, with His Spirit, reminded me to NOT ‘focus on the hocus pocus! That He ‘has my back!’ I have nothing to fear!
This morning my eyes, heart and spirit rested upon one of my old address numbers… 111! There, I had an inspiring time as I boldly circled the supernatural, powerful and soothing characteristics of God Almighty! MY shield and MY protector! A cross-reference in my Bible, and a text from a friend, sent me to today’s Bible verse! As ‘Calm’ settled in, I knew EXACTLY what He wanted me to tell you.
“DO NOT FOCUS ON THE HOCUS POCUS” has been a saying God gave me years ago, when people I heard were ‘claiming’ things and ‘blaming’ things based upon their own personal Biblical interpretation. Praying and reading His Word, my Heavenly DAD’S commanded some advice!! ‘DON’T GO THERE! I want you to ‘FOCUS ON MY SON!’ Now, I work hard to do JUST THAT!
DO YOU need to read Psalm 111 and remind yourself that God ALWAYS has your back… and wins? Then please… Focus on HIM! YES! These ARE exciting times! But NOT as exciting as Heaven WILL BE! Focus on Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to ‘destroy’ any fears or worries about the world, flesh, devil or the future!! And, even BETTER than my wife, JESUS will make ANY threat lose its focus!