“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
’Beep-beep… he’s here… see?” Signals, sent through an eternal sky, hit my little cell phone. It responded by receiving and interpreting that signal, then beeped to reveal a special message to me… which is what cell phones were created to do! The photo of Baby Able Casey, and the news of his birth, were evidence of something I KNEW was going to happen. Now I had the proof… kind of?!
Elizabeth and Austin have been down this road before. This being their 4th son, they have their hands full. As she got bigger than a house, the main question everyone asked was, “when are you due?” Science predicted a date that she repeated. But science was off by a few days and Able came late! But he’s here and both are well and healthy… presumably! Because personally, I’ve yet to SEE them!
I find it fascinating that news, pictures, stories, and even eye witness accounts, can be so subjective! When witnessing an event, what I see and believe can be 180 degrees opposite of someone else’s conclusion. It’s a problem that plagues our Nation! Worse, it deliberately clouds God’s purpose for His people and, if I’m not careful, news can take me off the course of my life entirely. ‘Beep-beep!’
News of the ‘Casey’ family’s addition is good. But it isn’t ‘The Best’ news! As life happens, satan’s challenge to unseat God continues, right under my nose. Everyday I receive snippets of information that can cause me to affirm, deny or question just what the heck God is actually doing! It is easy to praise God when good news comes. I have to remind myself I was actually created for bad news!
My being created out of dirt to be the ‘stand-in’ to defeat the devil is not good news. The devil is big, mean and smart. Plus he cheats! Me? I can’t see past the slow driver in front of me before I paint myself ugly! But God is bigger and smarter. He CREATED me to bring Him glory in ways the angels cannot even fathom. Bad news can blindside me. Romans 8:28 is an encouraging beep from above.
I’ve seen some pretty bad stuff in my life, and know people who are there now. Their trials can actually cause me PTSD at night. All I can do is encourage by sending Good News and pointing to a picture. Having seen the white iceberg in my way, I had to trust in the mighty power of God’s plan hidden in the depths, then remind myself that ‘this is war…’ and God is in deep water too!
Are you looking toward a magnificent picture of a bright future with God? Do you carry that image on your heart as closely as you do the picture in your wallet? I’ve learned God is NOT in the business of proving His love and power by what I see. His purpose is long term. Who knows, He may just be using a situation to jab satan in the chest… just to prove a point! ‘Beep beep…’ He’s here! See?