“You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Luke 12:40
4 jars of unopened peanut butter lay in the trash! I know because I threw them there! They were the first of what will probably be a series of food items I will need to get rid of. Preparing for a surprise, I was surprised when I opened up one of the jars and tasted it… ICK!! Looking at the expiration date, it was 8 months past the ‘good til’ day! The thought hit, “if only I’d known!”
About a year and a half ago I started proclaiming the “get prepared” speech. The President had predicted ‘food shortages’ and, me being me, I started buying and storing. Knowing Peanut Butter as a good source of protein, I bought lots of it. Time passed uneventfully and now I feel bad. Being more diligent and noting the expiration date, I could have given it away earlier to a food bank or someone who could have used it.
When advising folks to stock up for a possible cataclysmic event, many thought I was nuts. Some thought it a good idea, but didn’t do it. Now, looking at shelves of food with an imminent expiration date, I can’t but feel a little embarrassed myself. Gathering and stocking cost time and money, and the temptation to NOT waste both again lies ahead. Then I remembered this Jesus Parable.
Next to His own Glory, the most important thing to God in the Universe… ME… comes with an expiration date. If you are a person… you have one too! The Lord of the Universe told me that there is a piece of ground that has my name on it, and unless He returns before I expire, I will be dumped under it and wait until He does. His command to me now is to “BE READY!” So I’m working on that!
There are as many opinions dealing with ‘if and when’ Jesus Christ will return… as many opinions as there are people on the planet. But the way I see it, Jesus isn’t talking to the masses. He is talking to ME! Oh.. and to YOU too, of course. But He’s talking in the first person. ‘YOU,’ He says, ‘MUST BE READY!’ ‘Or else,’ is implied. My dad died, but had always lived like he wouldn’t… ready and eager!
The way I see it, and my advice to those I see, the Lord of the Universe gave me a warning and WILL return. I can believe and prepare, or disbelieve and not. Believing and preparing didn’t hurt my dad, mom or brother even 1 little bit and, so far, has only benefited me. So I’m living ready! Even though I may look foolish to the world!
How about you? Are YOU ready? Because, if what He said is true (and I know it is), the rest of forever will be SPECTACULAR to those of us who were! SO pass on the Word! Maranatha!