“…you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” Colossians 3:9-10
Upon seeing the text, my mood became immediate consternation! I was filled with alarm and dismay because the text, from my wife, had been sent over and hour earlier. She had forgotten her glasses and politely asked if I would mind bringing them to her adding… “I don’t have to have them if you are busy” along with a heart emoji. I dropped what I was doing, grabbed her glasses and took off!
Katie was surprised when I walked into her classroom, although ‘I’ was surprised ‘she’ was surprised! I apologized that I hadn’t seen her text earlier and handed her a glasses case. When she opened it her face showed immediate disappointment! “Awww… these are the wrong ones.” The pair I had taken to her had the round frames she only wears at home, since they make her ‘look like an owl.’
Standing in a room with about 18 kindergartners, I apologized for the misunderstanding, then asked in a funny way, “Ms. Katie… are you saying you would rather portray an image than not be able to see?” That netted ‘The Look’ so I left with, “I’ll bring the other ones back.” She was sweet and said again, “That’s not necessary… after all, it was my fault. Kissing her goodbye the kids said… EWWW!”
When I ended up back in her classroom about 20 minutes later, WITH the glasses she had wanted in the first place, she was surprised! BUT… she was wearing the round glasses! That made me smile! Later, while talking to a friend on the phone, the subject of differences between men and women came up. When I relayed the story about going back with the right glasses, he said… “AWWWW!”
The “AWWWW!” I received was VERY telling because it confirmed that HE KNEW what love should, could and would do. When Katie registered surprise and my reappearance, I asked, “You mean you didn’t KNOW I’d be back! You’re my wife, my love, my babe! How could I NOT come back?” And while this could be an example for Christ’s return, it’s more about DOING what we instinctively know!
“Love Does,” is the name of a book I’d scanned a few years ago. The title is self explanatory, hence the scan. I am a child of God with His image stamped on my heart and spirit. I have found that the closer I get to Him, the more I KNOW Him and therefore, KNOW what He expects from me. I know Jesus would have gone back to give her the correct glasses. So I did! Life with Him is that simple!
“Follow Me” is a statement similar to “Walk THIS way.” Often the hardest thing I have to do is die to myself and give up my own selfish, sinful desires. But when I DO what He expects, the joy and peace He hand delivers to me, is ALWAYS worth more than the cost of my human sacrifice. How do YOU see it?