“Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” Jesus John 7:24
Normally the morning would find me writing pithy thoughts at a different time. But today was different and I had nothing to do with it. If I had, I may have preferred to change the circumstances altogether. A Higher Power has called, and disobedience carries a penalty. ‘The Notice’ dictates I have been summoned, by Sarasota County District Court, for Jury Duty! Now where’s my hat and cowboy boots?
I am a legal resident of this county and pay taxes. That means, THEY have a right to call on me to serve Justice! Someone, somewhere has been accused of something ‘allegedly’ illegal! The law states ‘that somebody’ has a right to a jury of their peers. While I don’t know what THEY’VE done, I DO know I’ve personally done enough wrong in my own life to at least give ‘em a fair shake! So off I go.
The rock solid system of justice and judgment has been distorted to a point often unrecognizable. Most folks who avoid the strict interpretation of Jesus’ words are quick to report that “Jesus said, “Thou shalt not judge.”” Usually the reminder is used to get them ‘off’ the hook while trying to put the judge squarely ‘on!’ I love to tell them that Jesus said nothing of the kind! In fact, when it comes to judging, Jesus even commands it!
Handing off a baby to a complete stranger, shouting a password or allowing a pedophile to become an elementary school teacher are exaggerated examples of WHY we are supposed to judge. As Believers we are called to admonish one another when error in judgment has been witnessed. When iron sharpens iron, sparks are the result! It is each of our duties to help one another stay within the lines!
I’d been called once before for jury duty and after arrival was quickly dismissed due to a ‘deal’ struck between the prosecution and defense. But I was prepared then, as I am now, with ‘The Truth.’ My father, also a pastor, was once called to sit on a jury for a murder trial. When asked what he’d suggest if the defendant was found guilty, he said, “Hang ‘em high!” He was dismissed!
Jesus called His Bride, ‘The Church,’ to stand as witness to His perfect Glory, Grace, Mercy and Truth. That means I carry an obligation to always be prepared to stand for Him, no matter the case, be it in the position of defender, prosecutor or judge. God’s Word is the standard by which I am to be labeled. His word NEVER fails. I know THAT to be ‘The Truth’ because I have been ‘The Defendant’ WAY too many times!
Are you like Superman? A defender of Truth, Justice and the American Way??? hee hee…. Then keep your eyes open and go be fabulous!