“(Be prepared to) Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer (or address) everyone.” Colossians 4:6
There we were… all 27… ER… 28 of us! It started slowly, with just 6 of us, and then grew. It was a family gathering, all related and gathered for a kind of reunion, a matinee, (French for a daytime party) which was by then, turning into a soiree (an evening party). If you’ve ever tried to say goodbye to everyone in a big family, you know it’s time consuming. It was then I came face to face with # 28!
Bending over the hot tub end of my son’s pool, I was saying goodbye to several of my grandkids. Looking each one in the eye, I telling each one I loved them, I moved from one to the next, until it fell upon someone NOT one of my grand-kids! Having 11 of them, I’m proud to say I recognize each one. But # 28 wasn’t one of them. She was a neighbor girl visiting. I said “Hi- G’bye. I don’t know you!”
The girl, of middle school age, was in the hot tub with 5 of my grand-kids. Decorum dictates that an old guy like me does not focus on a young lady in a bikini, whom he does not know… for long. When I realized that I didn’t recognize her, I quickly bid her adieu. Unfortunately, God has laid upon my spirit that I did not handle the whole goodbye situation as well as I should have. So it’s class-time!
I can give excuses. It was getting late and I was worn out. Up at 5:30 am to prepare for a men’s breakfast, I needed to do the same again the next morning for church. Katie offered to drive and she doesn’t see as well at night so we needed to leave. Disquieted, the Spirit confirmed God wasn’t convicting me of anything wrong. He was encouraging me, for the next time, to do things better!
My whole life has meaning and purpose. I am God’s ambassador to the world. He reminds me the title came at a very high cost, which HE paid. And yes, He has high expectations of me. Had I been paying attention, I would have known she was there earlier and could have left a more God-like impression. In the rush I even missed a couple Grandkids! Patriarch-pastor grampa should do better.
The Bible verse today leaves room to add what I did… in parenthesis. And here’s the point! While I may not be answering someone’s question, I am ALWAYS leaving an impression of my King on someone I meet! I really want those impressions to represent Him well. Especially if they’re kids! Do you?