“I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I consider the work of Your hands. I stretch out my hands to You; my soul thirsts for You like a parched land.” Psalm 143:5-6
“There are 2 kinds of people,” I said to 2 of my grandkids. When I’m with ANY kids I like to dump wisdom on them! Since I’m more partial to my own grandkids, I REALLY like to slather it on! If they appreciate it or not is not really my call. Farmers farm, teachers teach and gram-paws are supposed to pass down wisdom! “Goal oriented and task oriented people,” I continued… “which are YOU!”
Driving the car I held them captive! Their captivity showed when they rolled their eyes in a, “here we go,” kind of way! They had been content to ride silently in the car, listen to the radio or look at their phones. Me? I knew that the time we share is rare and priceless… AND I want our time to matter since, one day I’ll be dead! I’d like them to have something WISE to say at my funeral!
Since they didn’t know about goal or task oriented people, I told them that Goal oriented people are focused on reaching a particular objective, while task oriented people focus on doing things. That while BOTH types of people are necessary, each of us has a bent toward one trait or the other. Summing the conversation, I said, “a way determine your own trait is to ask ‘whaduhyawant?’”
Being a goal oriented person, I don’t like rules. Rules are great for hemming task oriented people into their roles, but I have found that often, there are ways to get things done that don’t fit within a list of rules. Hence, my discomfort with the Old Testament Law! Since there are 613 laws, it’s not uncommon to focus on 1 so much that I break another without realizing. I needed a big picture!
As I was reading IN The Word that Jesus IS The Word, the Holy Spirit gave me an elbow nudge with the thought that “Jesus IS The Law!” When that idea exploded inside me, something actually settled in my heart too. I LOVE Jesus! I want MORE of Jesus. And maybe, If I put JESUS as the goal and head of my daily life, doing ‘The Law’ will just come about naturally. Whaduh’I’want? I want more Jesus!
So… that all being said, lemmie ask YOU… Whaduh’U’want? What and where do you focus your time and efforts? Are you reading and meditating on God’s Word… His Son? I pray today’s verse will be a big help to you… no matter HOW your oriented!