“Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name’s sake.” Psalm 79:9
“What we’re watching is not a political movement… it is evil!” Those were the words of Tucker Carlson this week BEFORE he was fired (or left) from FOX News. The story was so big I received SEVERAL links and posts from fellow Christians. Which is interesting because I don’t watch ANY news! Presumably I was sent the link because of my vocation. Listening to the speech… I say Amen!
I don’t say Amen because it’s my job to do so. Having lived 67+ years in America, I can remember from where we came. As a boy I prayed the Lord’s prayer and said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in school. To NOT participate would have brought discipline. I saw the church rise, and lose, when prayer was taken out of school. I was a senior in High School when Roe v Wade was passed!
What I see today truly fits Tucker’s definition. This is NOT about politics. This is about the satanic kingdom of evil invading and taking over our individual hearts and societies. Many Believers in Jesus Christ have been warning this for decades! Unfortunately the deliberate deaf will not hear! At this time, evil has MORE than created just a beach-head! It has taken over government, schools and businesses.
Frustrating is a nice way to describe my feelings. In years past I taught Revelation as a future serious possibility! Now, it is here! And it is MORE than just serious! The picture today may offend some people. But it represents the whole gambit of why we are… where we are! Interestingly enough, the picture led the story in “The Times of Israel!” They should KNOW how a country gets taken down!
As far as speeches are concerned, Tucker Carlson didn’t give one! What he gave was a SERMON! A sermon lays out a story with a problem, and ultimately gives God’s opinion and advice as to where and how that story might end. Tucker’s Sermon ended with the encouragement that, since Evil has invaded our country… “maybe we should all take, like 10 minutes a day, to pray about it.”
And THAT is PRECISELY where YOU come in! So PRAY!! Then once you pray… ask God what He wants YOU to DO about it as well! Because you know where this is headed if we don’t attempt to stop or slow this evil down! Are YOU engaged in God’s Battle?