
If anyone loudly blesses their neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse.” Proverbs 27:14

BURRRRRRRRP….BURRRRRRRRP!! The sound was loud, irritating and belching forth from Katie’s phone at 4:50 am! Of COURSE it woke us up! It probably woke YOU tool! Looking up the story on the story, it turns out that most of Florida became unglued as well. But, HEE-HEE, it was ONLY a TEST of the ‘Emergency Alert System!’ If the test was to wake us up abruptly to be irritable… it worked!

The news on the news reported the incident as “an accident,” and someone in some office apologized! But then the schedule was posted for future tests and, HEAR THIS, a 4:50am “BURRP” time remains scheduled every other month, through December of this year! OH HECK NO! As far as I’m concerned, this is kinda-sorta like the straw that broke this camel’s back! “TO THE PHONE!”

Living in the 21st century certainly has its advantages. Modern technology provides all kinds of perks. I used to have to go to the library and utilize the Dewey Decimal System to look up information limited to only the books in that room! Now I can carry the Library of Congress on my cell phone! But in my 67 years, I have NEVER had to endure a test of an emergency system at 4:50am!

There is a process to appropriate complaining! The first thing I need to do is calm down. Which is tough when my instinct of ‘fight or flight’ has been kicked in… in total darkness! Words said in anger or frustration don’t usually come off well. The next thing I need to do is more research. I don’t know… maybe there is a valid reason the State of Florida HAS to wake us up early??! I’ll ask!

In studying and teaching the Book of Revelation recently, I can say with confidence that in 2023, if there is any validity to us living in the Church age of Laodicea, we NEED a globally large dose of “WAKE-UP!” Anyone with any sense of propriety knows that the wheels are coming off the vessel of normal! Evil is being called good and good is being called evil! Now, it’s a fight over definitions!

I want to fight about as much as I want to be rudely awakened at 5am! But my Bible tells me that according to God’s Emergency System, we’re right on time. It is MY job to issue the warning and to explain the what’s and why’s of God’s heart. God wants ALL PEOPLE SAVED and IN HIS SALVATION VESSEL (1 Timothy 2:4)! Unfortunately, that warning is going to sound unpleasant to many an ear!

Are YOU sharing the Good News of Christ? Loud and clear?

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