“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” Revelation 22:12
“How soon?” That’s the natural response to the Bible verse above. And depending on the goal of the hearer, could excite someone to either work harder for Jesus, or to buy more time to slough off! The one asking that question is the only one who knows for certain. That is the nature of time. Not that I have it… but how I’ll be rewarded for what I DID with it later. THAT is what matters.
After many years of working, Katie and I are blessed to have a vacation rental home. The question of “when” comes up a LOT in this business. “When is it available? When can we get in? When do we have to be out?” The point of those questions center around the word VACATION! People work hard and want to enjoy themselves when they take a break. The longer the break… the better.
Last week we took our family vacation and all 21 of us went to Miami for 3 days. Knowing how rentals work, I knew there was a possibility that the house was open earlier, or maybe even later. So I called the manager and asked the questions “can we get in sooner or stay a little later.” The GOAL was to STAY as LONG as we could because time together is precious. Which should be a clue!
Too often I get caught up in the ‘here and now,’ forgetting about the ‘there and later!’ It is easy for me to forget that Jesus is building a Kingdom of FAMILY HERE, and that He is going to take us, His Bride, HOME to THERE! And while He has a purpose for me HERE, the POINT of my life will only clear when we all get THERE! So why do I not focus more on ‘His coming’ instead of my staying?
I’m thinking of a wedding. The procession, service and seriousness of the vows. Weddings are good things. But honestly, I prefer the Reception… the place where everyone celebrates the event by having a good time dancing and partying! With that in mind, I’m inclined to look a little more serious at my service here, so I will be able to better Party THERE! Where’s YOUR focus? Now or later?