
Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

“Happy Valentine’s Day tuba you!” That’s what the hand written card-like paper said on the outside. It was lying beside the coffee pot where she knew I’d go to get her coffee. I LOVED it! I didn’t get her anything except the coffee this morning. In truth, and as she wrote in the card, she knows ‘I hate Valentine’s Day.’ As so should everyone! I mean, why should Love only get 1 day a year!?

I don’t know about YOU but ‘I’ LOVE love! In fact I have invested my whole life mainly into 2 people BECAUSE of my love of Love. I’m not ashamed… Jesus and Katie are the loves of my life! And in that order! Jesus actually rates our relationship together based upon how well I love my Katie! His is NOT a ‘give a card’ kind of love. He’s more of a ‘Show and Tell’ kind of God. And frequency matters.

Because of my rebellion over Valentine’s Day, Katie gets stuff… just not usually on THE DAY! I bought her a car weeks before her birthday. Her Valentine’s day gift was a concert we already went to, since I like to be AHEAD of the love game. SO does she. Yesterday she bought me a new truck! But getting the truck proved to be more of a downer, actually proving my point about love and care!

When spending a ton of money for a new vehicle, one should feel special. We didn’t. But I’m not using this to complain. Sales is a business, one I made my living at for decades. But I learned long ago that for people to FEEL special, they have to be TREATED special. My boss has that concept down in His list of rules for both marriage AND life relationships. It’s NOT an option and I’m still learning!

When it comes to Love, my Boss has a ‘definition condition,’ because love is an ACTION… NOT a feeling! That means if I say I love my wife, I’d better be SHOWING her that I do. Though sometimes she doesn’t appreciate that. I’ve been known to lose my temper when she does, for herself, what I am committed to do. Like opening doors, taking out trash or moving heavy stuff. OK, I’m nuts!

But I’m HER nut! If you are like me, you are fortunate to both BE a nut and to HAVE a nut! ANYBODY can crack a nut! It takes special action, effort, determination and heart to LOVE a nut! I am blessed beyond all blessing to have, not 1… but 2 ‘nut lover’s’ in my life.

Are YOU good at showing and telling your special people just how special they are… EVERY day? Today is a good time to show it… but tomorrow and onward proves you mean it! Happy Valentine’s Day. Even though it’s supposed to be YOUR Day to show that special someone. 


Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

“RAWWWLLLL!” With the noise, I slowly woke up! It was dark! It was 5:43 am. Wondering what the sound was, I waited and heard it again, only to realize it was the neighbor’s dog! A BIG one! So I got up, grabbed my shotgun and clothes.. and proceeded into the darkness to confront that which cost me sleep and irritation. OK… I DIDN’T grab the shotgun! But I WANTED to! So ‘I’m guilty’ says Jesus!

To be honest, I’d have preferred the noise to be a break-in. Having had that happen to us in the past, It was simple and even exciting! Grab the gun, confront the evil-doer and live with an exciting story to tell at gatherings! But THIS was a bigger problem. Because the NETHERING, or problem lying underneath the surface, is a CARE-LESS, selfish neighbor in a crowded subdivision.

I’m smart enough to know tramping through the neighborhood in the dark, with a gun, can get me killed. But the rudeness of a neighbor disturbing the peace gets them nothing??? THAT angers me. And honestly, it isn’t just about me. The dog woke my wife up too and SHE was irritable. She just doesn’t show it like I do. When we talked about it, I told her there was a confrontation coming!

I realize that standing up for truth and righteousness is offensive to people who do not care for such things. But staying quiet among the ungodliness is precisely why our society talks about the evils of society, usually in the quietness of closed rooms. Knowing I am NOT going to be quiet, Katie asked me, “how can you turn a barking dog into a Jesus thing?” At that… SHE became the terrorist!

Of course ‘hers’ IS the question. And yes, I KNEW it before she asked… at least somewhere in the back of my mind! Had I not, the police would already have been in the neighborhood! So I WRESTLE with the trouble that really lies beneath… since I represent Jesus Christ! HE would handle it by confronting it or leaving! Now I have to decide what HE wants ME to do in the here and now.

Do you see problems or issues in your life that need to be confronted with the Truth of God’s Word? Are you keeping quiet? If so, why? Is it possible to inject Jesus Christ into that situation the same way HE would? If so, how would HE do it?


The battle spread out over the whole countryside, and the forest swallowed up more men that day than the sword.” 2 Samuel 8:18

“WHAMMMM!” Suddenly.. I was STOPPED DEAD with no idea why! Looking around the windshield column, I realized I had run into a tree! The tree, with only about an 8” diameter, had successfully stopped my 1 ton truck DEAD, but received only minor damage! All I could do was join the tree and laugh! At the sound, Diane came out to see, then said it wasn’t the first time that tree had won!

Going to visit Diane and Bill, the road to their house was blocked by an appliance truck. So I had to find my way around. Not sure which street was theirs, I thought I recognized Bill sitting at a picnic table. Going about 3 MPH I turned my head to verify, when that evil tree just ‘jumped out’ and hit me! Diane asked if I was going to blame her! “Nah… It’s just stuff!” I said. Then we had a good visit.

Upon leaving I found that the bumper was bent in, rubbing the tire when I turned the wheel. Grabbing and pulling HARD, I just had to laugh, as I thought about adding ‘auto-repairman’ to my resume! On the way home I thought about how often ‘unseen objects’ swallow up so much of my thoughts and time. This morning, Katie read and reminded me of this verse! Was that Coincidental?

A die-hard Calvinist might say that God caused me to run into that tree for a reason! A silly thought for me to swallow. But knowing God is sovereign, He can USE my ‘running into that tree’ for a GOOD purpose. And maybe that purpose is to remind me that ‘stuff happens.’ But that He is ALWAYS there IN THE STUFF that happens! My purpose is to SEE Him there, and to glorify His presence regardless!

Are there seemingly unforeseen obstacles blocking your path? Do you find yourself stopped on life’s highway… not moving? Can you look at the ridiculous and laugh ‘by faith’ at the fact that God CANNOT be stopped in your life with Him! If He’s using this moment to try to get your attention… WATCH OUT for the trees and be prepared to remember that NOTHING can stop HIM!!! 


Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.” Haggai 1:5

“HELP!!! I can’t find it!” That was me calling out to my go-to ace card… my wife! I had made dinner, it was on the table getting cold and I was looking for the Nestles Quick Syrup in the fridge. After scanning the entire thing TWICE, I threw in the towel! She walked over, took it from the shelf and said, “it was right in the front!” I hadn’t seen what I hadn’t seen… because I couldn’t see!

Growing up my dad had a love for Nestle’s Quick. He’d pour a glass of milk, scoop 2 large tablespoons of Quick onto the top, then plunge the spoon in the milk and let it set! SLOWLY the powder would sink, then he’d give it a stir. He had it at every meal. For me it’s just a treat now and then. But since I don’t use it everyday, finding it often proves to be a problem. Then I call for help!

Getting older can be… “a BUMMER!” Treats and goodies that I used to grab hold of without even thinking, often now cause me pause! I’ll find myself reading labels for the amount of calories, sugars and fats… many times putting the item back on the shelf! Then the thought hits… “yer an idiot! What’s it matter anyway?” But the older I get … the more I hear God’s voice saying, “It MATTERS!”

There are LOTS of things from my past that I never really thought about before. Younger me couldn’t put on weight if I’d tried! Now, it’s not only easy, but the effects of bad choices are breaking down this ol body. I’d never seen it before because I COULDN’T see it! Being an older believer, I can now see the same dis-ease affecting “The Church” which is Christ’s Body.  She’s sick… and getting blinder!

Those TREATS I use to run to, the ‘go-to’s of my life choices, have a price! I didn’t see a problem with the habits and treats I used for ‘coping with life’ before. Somehow they just kind of snuck up and stabbed me in the back. Thinking they were my friends, like rabid bunnies, I couldn’t even see the danger coming!  And no… I’m not going to list mine for comparison! We ALL have our own!

The interesting thing I’m learning about how Jesus works, is that my problem is not just MINE! According to Jesus, it belongs to the whole Church and remains a problem for ALL of US to deal with… together! “…let US be careful that NONE OF YOU be found to have fallen short…(Heb 4:1)” is only 1 verse of many. Running ahead to get the prize alone pales in going back to help another.

So what have YOU been holding onto that God is telling you to let go of? Would you like a little help in seeing, finding and letting go? Are you tired and willing?


Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and… be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and… put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24

“She’s dying…” Those words put me into shock! Then he added, “I can patch her up and keep her going a LITTLE while longer, but it’s time!” Memories flooded back over the years I have had her. She’s always been there, never let me down… faithful in every situation. But now I have to let her go… and WITH permission to dump her for a new model! It’s time to get excited about a NEW Truck!

She’s a 19 year old truck. Which is OLD in vehicle years. My wife hates her and thinks she’s disgusting. But she’s a WORK truck and I use her to the max! But letting go of a truck isn’t easy. The same could be said of a pet! But vehicles and pets are NOT like PEOPLE. They are things that come and go with fond remembrances. Once gone, they are gone. Not so with eternal people!

I know, I know… some folks treat things and pets LIKE people. But they’re not and I can prove it! I BOUGHT my truck, brought it home and parked it. It was ALWAYS where I left it. I had a few dogs I bought too! I took care of both and they were always there. But they weren’t corrupt or deceitful! Neither tried to steal my wife or rob my bank account! THAT’S the stuff PEOPLE do.

God said that being a people, I am eternal. Sadly, I am also corrupt and evil because I was BORN that way! I have a soul created in God’s image, but was MISSING His spirit. Over 2000 years ago God purchased my soul and offered me HIS Spirit AND a New Life… IF I wanted it. That means I am constantly in a war, between the new and the old me, that will stop when I die! Trucks don’t war!

The wonderful thing about being a God People is that I will NEVER die … I’ll never be sent to the scrap heap or be recycled. AND… with Jesus… I can become ‘LIKE NEW’ EVERY SINGLE DAY! And… with a little patch work, I can become even BETTER and eventually… PERFECT! JUST LIKE MY OWNER! Are YOU being renewed every day?


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.” Colossians 4:2-3

Going to get the mail I got a little surprise. There, stuffed in the mailbox to overflowing, was a package! A feeling came over me, kind of like the one that often came at Christmas. Though I had not been anticipating anything. With a little step in my walk, I hurried into the house and opened it.  Having forgotten about the 4-6 week delivery clause, I had received the package I was promised.

A while back my interest had been piqued to join a cause I held as important. There was a promise that if I joined their cause I would be rewarded with a tangible object I might find beneficial. While the object was ok, it was the cause which led me to send in my membership. Now, standing with the object in hand, I remembered my commitment to the cause and was glad that I had joined.

I have a friend who received an offer a while back. An offer to get involved in a cause that would be beneficial to others, but which also might provide him with a tangible object to help out in another GREATER area of interest. Kind of like a ‘2 birds with 1 stone’ thing. Taking the offer, he set about learning what would be needed. It didn’t take long to see an opportunity for his greater interest!

The other day I went to the gym, a place I go because I need to, NOT because I want to. While I was there, something on someone’s T-shirt caught my interest. Walking up to the individual wearing the shirt I asked about our mutual interest. Soon we were chatting and comparing notes… 1 which led me to believe that the person needed Jesus! Smiling, I thanked God for the Gift of witnessing for Him.

Are YOU looking for opportunities to share and witness the greatest object of your life… your Faith in Jesus Christ? If so, you too can pray and ask God to send you a tangible object to do just that. Are looking out, and prepared to receive it?


You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

D’ja find it?” was the question I asked Randy. I was putting things away while he was on his knees in the grass directly beside the main road, in front of our Church Sign, where EVERYBODY could see him. “No.” was his answer. Finally I said, “don’t worry I have another.” But he just kept peering into the grass. Ultimately he said, “I found it.” Then handed me the screw he had dropped.

It had taken a while for us to even realize we had a problem with our Church sign. The identification sign above our LED had gone out due to a bad ballast from an electrical surge. When I took the screws out to get to the inside, I handed them to Randy to hold and told him, “I know my limitations and figure I’ll lose them.” Reluctantly he took them, questioning his own responsibility!

I don’t usually drive by our church at night, so knowing it wasn’t working in the dark was unknown to me. Then someone told me about it. Randy and I had met to see if we could remedy the situation, and a ‘special made’ screw was dropped into the grass. Whether, because it was ‘special,’ or that Randy felt bad for dropping it, I don’t know. But He searched until he found it!

Today’s Bible verse was given to 1 man, who was told to speak it to a nation that happened to be in a very dark time in their history. But the promise and the principle was truly meant to be a promise to EVERY individual on the planet! I can attest to its validity and truth because I have often found myself on my knees, SEEKING God. Sometimes frantically! He’s ALWAYS been found!

2023 has started off difficult for a majority of the ‘special people’ who go to the Church with the broken sign! It seems that when 1 person or situation comes out of the darkness and into the light, another phone call, email or text brings a call to ‘Seek God with ALL of my heart.’ Passing on that message is tough some days. But the promise continues to be reliable and, ‘I found Him,’ normal!

Do you find yourself, like Paul Simon, in the darkness and NOT feeling very responsible or special? May I suggest you stop talking to the darkness and seek the God who PROMISES to be found? Why not put your whole heart into the search and stick with it until He is found! Because, my friend, like Jeremiah… I CAN promise, HE holds KEYS to lighting up your world!


For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

How much??” was my response to the pharmacist. With all the mystery surrounding the COVID virus, and no one knowing the whole truth, I wasn’t about to take any chances. After direct contact with someone who had it, I felt irresponsible to visit anyone until I got tested myself. Hearing the test costs $23 for 2, I was asked if I had Medicare. “I am.” MY tests were FREE!

There is an evaluation process I go through when new information hits my brain. I hadn’t known ANYTHING about the cost of home COVID testing before I needed it. With all the brouhaha on COVID, I thought the price was rather high. Finding out I was in a club that gets tests FREE made me feel guilty. Then I was let in on another secret… EVERYBODY can get it for free, 1 way or another!

For people who have insurance, most insurance companies will pay for the testing. If someone doesn’t have insurance, there are agencies or medical facilities where they can go to get the testing done at no charge. Baffled by the cost initially, I thought, “this world wide disease has provided opportunities for unscrupulous folks to make profit!”  Then I thought about a WORSE disease!

The wages of sin is death,” is a Bible verse that most everyone has heard. The Bible says that even if someone hasn’t HEARD about it, they already KNOW because God has placed the message in the heart of every human being. We are ALL DYING from sin and KNOW death has a 100% success rating. The ONLY questions now are, can I avoid it and what does it cost!? Enter Jesus!

The Good News is that EVERYONE who sins CAN receive a ‘Get out of Hell’ card! The BAD news is, it’s EXPENSIVE! The Judge WILL accept a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE on my behalf, unfortunately… an IMPOSSIBLE cost for me. But He has a full coverage plan – and it’s FREE! His name is Jesus! Unscrupulous folks may try to profit from the death concept, but only ONE WAY WORKS!

Have YOU taken advantage of God’s FREE GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ His Son? It’s available to ALL who call upon His name. Don’t be tricked into trusting any other way to receive eternal and abundant life!


Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave?” Psalm 6:4-5

WIRRR-kink-WRRRR-k-WRRRR-k-k! The sound was coming from my garbage disposal! It was ever so intermittent, but there. I willed it to be gone and it stopped! When I was satisfied it had only been my imagination, the little ‘kink’ made its sound again. Upon closer inspection with a flashlight, I found… NOTHING! Remembering rule #?, I replaced the strainer and put the flashlight away!

It’s hard to remember the rules, and I’ve never numbered them. In the original TV show NCIS, the character ‘Gibbs’ had his rules memorized and numbered. To work with him, everyone had to learn what they were. Having encountered intermittent kinks, dings and chinks in my life, I usually just let them go. The ‘experience’ rule says it will either get worse or go away. Time is the deciding factor.

Reading the Psalms is like looking into a mirror. I just know that David and I are going to be pals in Heaven because he finds ways to say what I often feel. We’re brothers in the mountains and valleys of life. Jesus is our Lord and the one who handles our garbage. That was the deal He made me and I had accepted. But once in a while, a k-k-kink makes me notice that there might be something wrong.

When I want to get someone’s attention, I can whistle or holler ‘HEY!’ Jesus has another option at His disposal. Sometimes when He wants me to do, or not do something, He gets real quiet! So quiet, that I have to pause or stop, lean in and then go looking to see IF there is a problem. If there is, I need to find the source. Sometimes it’s my garbage. Other times, He simply wants me to go deeper.

Being His, ‘I’ have an option at ‘MY’ disposal as well. When I can’t find the ding, I can remind Him that ‘I’ am not my own and that it is in HIS best interest to remember the fine print of our deal. I bring my garbage to Him and HE handles it! If He doesn’t, He won’t get what HE wants. And yes… He wants a clean name and a functioning vessel he can work with. Dead people can’t sing His praises!

Are you clogged? Do YOU hear silence or kinks from God sometimes? Do you continue to look for and seek His answer, or do you just let it go and give it time? What might God be trying to tell YOU?  Have you reminded God of your willingness to do whatever it takes to fix whatever it is? Are you?