“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11
“RAWWWLLLL!” With the noise, I slowly woke up! It was dark! It was 5:43 am. Wondering what the sound was, I waited and heard it again, only to realize it was the neighbor’s dog! A BIG one! So I got up, grabbed my shotgun and clothes.. and proceeded into the darkness to confront that which cost me sleep and irritation. OK… I DIDN’T grab the shotgun! But I WANTED to! So ‘I’m guilty’ says Jesus!
To be honest, I’d have preferred the noise to be a break-in. Having had that happen to us in the past, It was simple and even exciting! Grab the gun, confront the evil-doer and live with an exciting story to tell at gatherings! But THIS was a bigger problem. Because the NETHERING, or problem lying underneath the surface, is a CARE-LESS, selfish neighbor in a crowded subdivision.
I’m smart enough to know tramping through the neighborhood in the dark, with a gun, can get me killed. But the rudeness of a neighbor disturbing the peace gets them nothing??? THAT angers me. And honestly, it isn’t just about me. The dog woke my wife up too and SHE was irritable. She just doesn’t show it like I do. When we talked about it, I told her there was a confrontation coming!
I realize that standing up for truth and righteousness is offensive to people who do not care for such things. But staying quiet among the ungodliness is precisely why our society talks about the evils of society, usually in the quietness of closed rooms. Knowing I am NOT going to be quiet, Katie asked me, “how can you turn a barking dog into a Jesus thing?” At that… SHE became the terrorist!
Of course ‘hers’ IS the question. And yes, I KNEW it before she asked… at least somewhere in the back of my mind! Had I not, the police would already have been in the neighborhood! So I WRESTLE with the trouble that really lies beneath… since I represent Jesus Christ! HE would handle it by confronting it or leaving! Now I have to decide what HE wants ME to do in the here and now.
Do you see problems or issues in your life that need to be confronted with the Truth of God’s Word? Are you keeping quiet? If so, why? Is it possible to inject Jesus Christ into that situation the same way HE would? If so, how would HE do it?