“Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and… be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and… put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24
“She’s dying…” Those words put me into shock! Then he added, “I can patch her up and keep her going a LITTLE while longer, but it’s time!” Memories flooded back over the years I have had her. She’s always been there, never let me down… faithful in every situation. But now I have to let her go… and WITH permission to dump her for a new model! It’s time to get excited about a NEW Truck!
She’s a 19 year old truck. Which is OLD in vehicle years. My wife hates her and thinks she’s disgusting. But she’s a WORK truck and I use her to the max! But letting go of a truck isn’t easy. The same could be said of a pet! But vehicles and pets are NOT like PEOPLE. They are things that come and go with fond remembrances. Once gone, they are gone. Not so with eternal people!
I know, I know… some folks treat things and pets LIKE people. But they’re not and I can prove it! I BOUGHT my truck, brought it home and parked it. It was ALWAYS where I left it. I had a few dogs I bought too! I took care of both and they were always there. But they weren’t corrupt or deceitful! Neither tried to steal my wife or rob my bank account! THAT’S the stuff PEOPLE do.
God said that being a people, I am eternal. Sadly, I am also corrupt and evil because I was BORN that way! I have a soul created in God’s image, but was MISSING His spirit. Over 2000 years ago God purchased my soul and offered me HIS Spirit AND a New Life… IF I wanted it. That means I am constantly in a war, between the new and the old me, that will stop when I die! Trucks don’t war!
The wonderful thing about being a God People is that I will NEVER die … I’ll never be sent to the scrap heap or be recycled. AND… with Jesus… I can become ‘LIKE NEW’ EVERY SINGLE DAY! And… with a little patch work, I can become even BETTER and eventually… PERFECT! JUST LIKE MY OWNER! Are YOU being renewed every day?