“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
“D’ja find it?” was the question I asked Randy. I was putting things away while he was on his knees in the grass directly beside the main road, in front of our Church Sign, where EVERYBODY could see him. “No.” was his answer. Finally I said, “don’t worry I have another.” But he just kept peering into the grass. Ultimately he said, “I found it.” Then handed me the screw he had dropped.
It had taken a while for us to even realize we had a problem with our Church sign. The identification sign above our LED had gone out due to a bad ballast from an electrical surge. When I took the screws out to get to the inside, I handed them to Randy to hold and told him, “I know my limitations and figure I’ll lose them.” Reluctantly he took them, questioning his own responsibility!
I don’t usually drive by our church at night, so knowing it wasn’t working in the dark was unknown to me. Then someone told me about it. Randy and I had met to see if we could remedy the situation, and a ‘special made’ screw was dropped into the grass. Whether, because it was ‘special,’ or that Randy felt bad for dropping it, I don’t know. But He searched until he found it!
Today’s Bible verse was given to 1 man, who was told to speak it to a nation that happened to be in a very dark time in their history. But the promise and the principle was truly meant to be a promise to EVERY individual on the planet! I can attest to its validity and truth because I have often found myself on my knees, SEEKING God. Sometimes frantically! He’s ALWAYS been found!
2023 has started off difficult for a majority of the ‘special people’ who go to the Church with the broken sign! It seems that when 1 person or situation comes out of the darkness and into the light, another phone call, email or text brings a call to ‘Seek God with ALL of my heart.’ Passing on that message is tough some days. But the promise continues to be reliable and, ‘I found Him,’ normal!
Do you find yourself, like Paul Simon, in the darkness and NOT feeling very responsible or special? May I suggest you stop talking to the darkness and seek the God who PROMISES to be found? Why not put your whole heart into the search and stick with it until He is found! Because, my friend, like Jeremiah… I CAN promise, HE holds KEYS to lighting up your world!