“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move; Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
“Do you believe it?” was the question posed to me. The subject was my health, specifically my chronic nasal congestion. Having fought this beast for a year, my acquaintance laid his hands on me and said, “be healed in the name of Jesus.” Then he asked, “do you feel better?” Failing in my ability to sniff, he THEN asked, “but do you BELIEVE it?” He hadn’t mentioned conditions before.
The number of people who have faced mountains of pain and NOT prayed for healing or victory are few, even among non-believers. “There are no atheists in foxholes” shows that when facing the impossible, ANYTHING is up for grabs. Apparently the man recently discovered this verse, or heard it in a sermon, and decided to try it out on me. When healing didn’t come, it became MY fault.
Grabbing verses from the Bible and taking them out of context, misinterpretation, adding or taking away from them to make them fit an agenda, is not uncommon. The Bible verses about ‘Faith’ are favorites. Far too often, the word ‘IF’ is laid beside it, giving the quoter an easy escape route upon failure. Sadly, I know of no other subject so misused, ultimately leading to pain and even UN-belief!
The context of this verse comes after failure by the disciples to cast a demon out of a boy. Jesus does it with ease, and then gives them a lesson on faith adding ‘IF.’ My Dad taught me that ANYONE who personally knows Jesus as their Lord HAS at LEAST that much Faith! Meaning, I already have all I need to get through ANY trial, struggle or difficulty. But even THAT didn’t set well with some folks.
Depending on the Bible version you use, you MAY find a Matthew 17:21. I say MAY because MOST versions of the Bible don’t have it. It says, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Which was taken out of Mark 9, where only a FEW versions or manuscripts add the word ‘fasting’ Which can lead to confusion! But as Dad said, ‘I KNOW’ Jesus, and He doesn’t play games!
There is nothing more serious than Faith. It is the Work of God (John 6), and is His JOB if you want to call it that. ‘Salvation by Faith’ alone is ‘The Plan’ of God. His promises are for my LIFE, which goes on from here and into eternity. Tricks for cold relief, gold, power or fame are not an addendum. Nor are there clauses for blame or escape if someone fails to get them! Abundant Eternal Life is in HIM!
Jesus is my Lord. He loves me and walks with me every moment. Even through that garbage I tend to drag Him through. He never leaves me nor forsakes me. His promises to me are true every time. MY responsibility is to study and follow Him, making sure I KNOW what His promises ARE! Not to make them up like a dance step. It’s JESUS ONLY. Not if’s, and’s or buts! Do YOU know Him?