“For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11
“Go!” It was the strangest request, but I was SURE I heard it from above. Having parked my old truck in the lot, I was preparing to cross the road and go into the grocery store. The white lines before my feet indicated that I had the ‘right of way.’ But looking to my right I saw a bright red Corvette moving toward me. To my left, a bright ORANGE Corvette! Both were approaching where I stood. “GO!”
It was one of those divine appointments, and I knew it. What were the odds that 2 shiny Corvettes would approach each other, right when I was ready to cross. And BOTH were still moving toward where I was about to be! I may have had the ‘right of way,’ but how could I be sure that they would actually yield and let me pass? But the word “GO!” demanded MY movement. So I went! By Faith!
Standing in the middle of the road, I couldn’t help myself. I raised my arms, clenched my fists high in the air, showed my muscles… then smiled at both drivers giving them the thumbs up sign. Thankfully they caught my attempt at humor and laughed. Having the power to literally kill me, they yielded instead. All 3 of us had trusted in the Traffic Laws – by Faith. Me for safety. They, to keep their toys!
It is time to confess that I have not really listened to God’s command to “GO” very well. Sitting on the curb with a little fear and doubt, I have not trusted God as much as I should. The ‘not so sure’ and ‘what if’s’ mix together and cause pause! Then, looking around, the ‘I just can’t see it’ stops me dead. Knowing God yields to my free will, ‘what I see’ causes me to “NOT GO!” And Faith dies.
‘What I see’ scares me because I don’t know how to get through it. I’m just a little guy who doesn’t understand big things. That scares me. This morning I was nudged with the thought of, ‘that is EXACTLY HOW I’m SUPPOSED to feel!’ God is calling me to a deeper level of DEPENDENCE upon Him. If I COULD do the impossible, I wouldn’t need God at all. Wanting Glory, HE wants ME to have FAITH!
Is God asking you to do something that scares you? Do you see that fear is exactly what you’re SUPPOSED to feel, just before you put your trust in Him? Do you hear Him hollering ‘GO!”