“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16
I have a snake in my garage! Yup! We were headed out to a Christmas Party and I was wearing my suit. Seeing movement to the right of my feet, we instantly recognized each other! In that 21.9 nanosecond period of time, we both hesitated. Then as I reached, he slithered! The result? Like I said, I have a rat snake in my garage. My inside mischievous Christmas elf smirks at the possibilities!
I know lots of people freak at snakes… it’s only natural! When God put the curse on the serpent and turned it into a slithering belly crawler, humans were instilled with heebie-jeebies when they meet. It’s all part of the Edenic Curse. But I’ve been around snakes my whole life, so they don’t bother me. But my wife? Haaaaa! THAT is where interesting possibilities lay! She doesn’t want to go in there.
Now don’t give me that “you’re so bad and evil” attitude! It’s RAT snake! This one is a little under 4’, but it doesn’t have a fang or drop of poison in it’s non-slimy body! In fact, we have the advantage, it being in there means WE don’t have RATS! Or won’t for long! Things that irritate are the gnats, mosquitoes and palmetto bugs that show up more often. Bugs bug me! I can PLAY with snakes!
The Bible verse today has always intrigued me. It is obvious sheep and wolves don’t pair well. The CRAZY thing is, ‘Savior Jesus’ isn’t bothered in the least at the thought of sending me, his sheep, out into a world FULL of wolves! The operation method He provides sounds more ridiculous than the commission! “Go be shrewd like snake… innocent like dove!’ Like, “wax on-wax-off!” Funny Jesus!
The words used to define ‘shrewd’ hint at what Jesus expects. ‘Showing a clever awareness, resourcefulness, artful and cunning practices, tricky and penetrating!’ Which should be kind of fun! Except that He also demands ‘innocence’ like a ditsy dove! The verses afterwards warn us that I WILL get the snot beat out of me, but it’s ok! He’ll be WITH me through the beatings and fast exits!
There are snakes in my world. Satan is Biblically referred to as one. Sometimes they openly attack and send me running. Other times they sneak in the backdoor and cause terror just by showing a little skin! But Jesus doesn’t kill snakes, He USES them. Extermination day is coming. But not yet. Which means I am required to trust HIM for the attitude and skills necessary to live with snakes! Even though I naturally don’t want to!
Are YOU fearful or shrewd? Prepared or oblivious? Are you ready to face the snakes in life using HIS skills and resources? Seeing snakes turned into saints is actually kind of interesting and fun!
We are asking for prayer for healing, strength and a special touch of the Holy Spirit for Keri Allen, Husband John and their kids J.D., Zach and Mallory. They are battling a big snake and need our support in Christ! Will you join us in expectation and hope?